An Exciting Journey

Yesterday was pretty wild!
Another awesome adventure!

I found one of the coolest things I've found yet and a bunch of other neat stuff too. :)
This is so amazing sometimes it's hard to believe this is really happening... What a journey!

I'm not sure how much I should say here... But... There was one point where I was looking around and I was about a mile and a half away from the closest parking lot and was in some sort of thick nature area with no trail and I thought I was alone...

I turn and look behind me and all of a sudden there's a guy standing in the bushes about 15-20 feet away and I'm like "Whoa! I did not expect to see anyone out here".

He said he felt similar and asked me if there was a hill or a mountain to hike up ahead or something like that...
I told him I don't know cause I've never been there, but it looks like it through the trees and then I basically just said "It's a beautiful day, nice to meet you" and I waved to him and left.

I tried to create distance and sped up and past some stuff I wanted to investigate without looking closer and eventually turned around and thought he was gone and then I saw him again in the bushes and it almost kinda looked like he was hiding... At that point I really veered off course into the wilderness to get away and never saw him again.

Thinking back, it's kinda creepy how he was just standing there watching me and didn't say anything until I noticed him and said something.

There are some other details about this I'm not fully ready to share, but... Let's just say that I have a suspicion that he might not just be a random hiker out there.

A little while after that something else happened which kinda spooked me a bit, though not ready to go into details on that either... In time though, I'll share it all in the YouTube series and I think people will be entertained!

I watched only a lil bit of the footage last night and I was really getting into it. :)
I have a feeling other people are going to enjoy watching these in the future as well! So, I'm getting more and more excited about making a YouTube series about all this.

It's still pretty hot out in the day when the sun is out and I once again got exhausted, and was scratched, poked, cut all over from the bushes and was bleeding and slightly injured... But, I loved it and I'm having the time of my life lately. <3

It's raining right now and the weather finally feels really nice! Had a great meal last night and going to have a few more today and tonight! There's a lot sad in the world, yet there's also a lot to be happy and grateful about and to celebrate! So I'm going to celebrate. Sending love to everyone. <3 Bye until next time.


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