What is yours really, how is it yours? Who is that who owns?
If all things and beings are only vibrations in lesser or greater frequency, modality and rhythm, what is interesting about going back and being born again?
The genie asks Aladdin to go down to the world, to embody and live, to experience life, but not to take anything as his own⍣, that nothing there is Aladdin, to follow the right path, and not polarize, If something is not done in things, it will reach the end, the lamp, the illumination of being.
⍣For us here.
Down in the four worlds of the creation of light, the mind manifests itself to Aladdin in the form of a monkey, jumping for all his senses without stopping at any moment, playing with Aladdin in the polarities ⍣. We beings have no things, we are only beings, we are dispossessed and empty as the cause, then Aladdin is a poor man and is surprised by the beautiful forms of light.
⍣yinn yang, red blue, past future...
Stunned by the effect of the mind, jumping without stopping through his senses he falls into the inevitable wheel of things, the emptiness of his soul fills, fills with things, heavy then Aladdin begins to sink believing that it is the world that he is at war, when it is only his soul that is at war with things, believing that he can possess them Aladdin is drunk with lights...
Love is the perfect solution to the equation of life, in the midst of confusion there is the miracle of love in Aladdin's life, and for the united souls, the earth becomes a rug⍣ and together they rise to the higher spheres , to the heavens. When one vibrates in a state of love, one is moving towards the spirit, the unifying lamp that lights the true entrance, the true path that begins afterwards.
⍣ North, south, east and west transcended and seen now from cube to painting.
Love is not something that can be done, doing something continually tires, and then needs polarisarce and that's when the so-called "hatred to balance" comes. Love is an attitude, a state of vibration, like breathing, constant and natural. That love takes things out of the soul, and then empty alone the souls rise.
Aladdin we are all beings. "Better man poor, than poor man."
To renounce something, to let go of things, or to let things pass is to transcend the world, to transcend things, we beings, souls, we are outside Sat Lok, but with the invitation to return.
"Of paradise, of true creation, of the great ocean of the primordial cause.
To the Cause We return