NMCW: War Zone (PPV #1)


A countdown (looking like a bomb timer) counts down. The counter moves while showing various graphics for the matches that will be happening once it counts down. During all of this "War Zone" by Rob Zombie is playing

at :34 there is an explosion that turns into the below:

No Mercy Championship Wrestling presents...
Busch Stadium (St. Louis, Missouri)

JBL, Jeremy Borash, and Dutch Mantel on commentary

The commentary team welcomes the fans to the show. The briefly talk about the matches, especially Rhodes v. Shamrock, Hendrix v. Naomi, and Dunne v. Ambrose. They waste no time in getting to the action.

Match 1:
Rockstar Spud vs. Matt Sydal

Rockstar Spud enters with a slight look of trepidation. Sydal then makes his entrance right after with a look of determination. The two lock up, but Sydal gets the upper hand and it stays a pretty one-sided affair as Sydal gets in a series of kicks and strikes, ending with a particularly nasty kick to the head. Sydal hits the Shooting Star Press and gets the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Matt Sydal

Backstage interview: Baron Corbin is backstage. He looks a little more agitated than usual when the interviewer asks his thoughts on the match against Finn Balor and T.J. Perkins tonight. Corbin says TJP and Finn Balor are nothing more than pests, made to exterminated. Corbin storms off.

Match 2:
Queen of the Cage Ivelisse vs. Deonna Purrazzo in a Steel Cage Match

Ivelisse immediately goes to try to climb up the cage wall, but is pulled down by Deonna. The two engage in a tie up, but Ivelisse gets the upper hand. Going to a chinlock, Velez works the neck. Getting out, Deonna and Ivelisse both give each other everything they have. Velez goes as far as to jump up the ropes, hit the cage, and hit a hurricanrana. Purrazzo tries to make a last ditch effort, but to no avail.
Ivelisse locks in the Dragon Sleeper, coupled with a body scissor; Purrazzo submits.

Winner via Dragon Sleeper and STILL Queen of the Cage: Ivelisse Velez

Ronda Rousey is backstage with one of the interviewers. They talk about the match that just happened with Ivelisse and Deonna. She talks about having the greatest Women's Division in professional wrestling, having women who will go the distance, extremes that OTHER COMPANIES won't have them go to. Rousey says she knows the matches coming up won't disappoint. Just then, Taeler interrupts chiming in about how she is the greatest and every woman, not only in NMCW but everywhere in the world will bow to the Domina. Rousey expresses some apprehension, laughing it off and wishes Hendrix the best of luck in her match against Naomi to whom she has also wished good luck. Rousey closes by saying she just wants the best woman to win.

Taeler (before leaving) says, "I plan on it."

Match 3:
Ultimate Opportunity Ladder Match:
Baron Corbin vs. Finn Balor vs. T.J. Perkins

There is a briefcase hanging high above the ring. The commentary team proceeds to talk about this opportunity and just how it can be used.

Corbin and Balor both enter with fierce determination, but TJP enters with a carefree attitude, even doing his signature dab at the top of the ramp. Just before the bell rings, the three stare each other down and look up at the case.

Almost immediately, Corbin goes for TJP just after throwing Finn out to ringside. Corbin relentlessly attacks TJP. "YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE PERKINS?!?" Corbin is throwing Perkins around like a rag doll. Before anything else is done though, Balor comes back in and goes on the offensive against Corbin. Baron is able to come back though, whipping both Perkins and Balor to the apron, but brings them back in the hard way. For a good while, wrestlers try to climb the ladder with both of them coming down. In one last exchange, Corbin and Perkins are at the top of the ladder. Balor pushes the ladder over and Corbin takes a not so nice landing on the ropes. Balor adds insult to injury by putting his hands on the ropes and pulling up and pushing down. While Perkins and Corbin are down, Finn makes his way up the ladder and pulls down the briefcase.

Winner: Finn Balor

Match 4:
Paige (w/ Conor McGregor) vs. Santana Garrett

Paige and Conor McGregor make their entrance. McGregor has his signature indoor sunglasses and a gaudy pimp coat. When they get to the ring, McGregor pulls up one of the ropes to let Paige through.

Santana Garrett is next. She is almost skipping to the ring and sarcastically blows a kiss at Paige. Conor manages to hold Paige back.

When the bell rings, Paige instantly goes after Garrett, who has retreated into the ropes, forcing the ref to pull Paige back. This goes on for a few exchanges, but ultimately Paige pulls Garrett out of the ropes with no regard to the ref's instruction. Paige and Garrett get into a headbutt war, with both coming away much worse for wear. Almost out of instinct, Paige gets Garrett with Ram-Paige and gets the pin.

Winner via pinfall: Paige

Conor goes to check on Paige and the two go to depart, but Paige proceeds to beat down Santana, hitting her with one more Ram-Paige.

Match 5:
The All-American Dynasty (w/ Chael Sonnen) vs. The Authors of Pain (w/ Jim Cornette) in a No Disqualification Tornado Tag Match for the Brothers of the Sands Championship

Hager and Rezar start things off in the ring while Carter and Akam go at it on the outside. Cornette and Sonnen stare each other down before they go at it themselves, going over the security barrier.

We come back to see Hager and Rezar going back and forth, using more and more power as opposed to technical prowess. Carter and Akam have since came back into the ring. The Authors of Pain go for The Last Chapter, but are thwarted. In the process of this, the ref has been knocked out. ECIII goes for the One Percenter (headlock driver) while Hager is using the Ankle Lock.

With the referee incapacitated in the ring, we see Chael bringing down another ref by force. Carter goes for a pin, the match ends with the ref doing a fast count.

Winners via pinfall and the inaugural Brothers of the Sands Champions: The All-American Dynasty

Hager and Carter are holding the title belts in their hands while Chael Sonnen is holding their hands high in victory. All the while, fans are throwing their trash into the ring.

Match 6:
King of the Cage Cody Rhodes (w/ Brandi Rhodes & Stephen Amell) vs. Ken Shamrock in a Steel Cage match

Ken Shamrock enters first and his has an intensity reminiscent of The Attitude Era. He paces around like a madman. Rhodes then makes his entrance, but every time Rhodes tries to enter the cage, Shamrock charges at him. After a short tussle, Cody is able to get in and the match starts. Shamrock is throwing everything at Rhodes and the commentary team observes that it almost doesn't care if he wins the match, he just seems intent on hurting Cody. Rhodes rebounds though getting a few elbows to the side of the head. The two get into a hard hitting conflict, with both men getting in offense. Shamrock exposes a turnbuckle, but sees Rhodes about to get up. Not having any of this, Shamrock picks Rhodes up and runs his face across the cage before throwing him into it then picking up him up only to Irish Whip him into the exposed turnbuckle. Shamrock then hits a hellacious clothesline. While Rhodes is recovering, Shamrock goes for the Ankle lock.

Shamrock has the Ankle Lock locked in, but Stephen Amell is climbing up the side of the cage (unbeknownst to Shamrock). When he gets to the top, he runs to a spot where he can see Shamrock's face and hits a Missile Dropkick to break the hold.

Amell brings Cody out of the cage, leaving Shamrock in the middle of the ring.

Winner via escape and STILL King of the Cage: Cody Rhodes

Match 7:
Taeler Hendrix (c) vs. Naomi in a Ladder Match for the title of Domina of No Mercy

The match starts off being pretty technical. Naomi gets the upper hand in the initial exchange, going from a headlock to whip into the corner, going immediately for a knee. Taeler doesn't let up, answering back with strikes and knocks Naomi out to the side. Naomi is able to get up and grabs the first weapon, a steel chair, into the match. She catches Hendrix of guard and lets a shot ring out. While Hendrix is down, Naomi grabs a table and sets it up outside the ring. The two exhange blows outside of the ring, using the ring steps and the security barrier to inflict as much damage as possible. Multiple ladders are set up, not only in the ring, but also in the corners. Taking the action back into the ring, Naomi, suplexes Hendrix into a ladder.

Naomi takes advantage of the opportunity to climb up the ladder and out comes Jessicka Havok, she runs down, gets in the ring and pushes the ladder over, sending Naomi down to the floor and through the table that was previously set up. Slowly but surely, Taeler Hendrix makes her way up the ladder and pulls down the Championship.

Winner and STILL the Domina: Taeler Hendrix

Taeler sits on top of the ladder, holding the title. She does an applause to Jessicka Havok while you can see Taeler mouth "You're the real MVP." She comes back down and her and Havok share a hug. While this is going on, Women's GM Ronda Rousey comes down. The Deadly Alliance stares daggers at Rousey, but instead Rousey raises the hand of Hendrix in victory and Havok joins in.

The entire commentary team is beyond surprised at what they have seen.

Borash: What the hell is this?!?!? Ronda Rousey has turned her back on the fans of NMCW!!

JBL: I don't know JB, but I like it! I'm gonna steal one from J.R. here, but business is about to pick up!

Cut to backstage: An interviewer is with William Regal, who looks visibly dismayed at what he has just seen. She asks for his thoughts, but Regal is absolutely speechless and leaves the area without saying a word.

Match 8 & the Main Event of the night:
Pete Dunne (c) vs. Dean Ambrose in a Heartland Death Match for the Agon Championship

Dean enters first. He is holding a trashcan that has virtually everything in it: a kendo stick, light bulbs, you name it. Dunne enters next, but he comes out with no weapons. He does his signature pose while holding the Agon Championship.

The commentators contemplate the meaning of "Full-Mox". JB expresses his desire to not know what that means; JBL tells Borash to stop being such a baby.

When the match starts, Dunne and Ambrose go right at each other and get into a slug-fest. Ambrose wastes no time introducing weapons into the match. As Dunne is charging at Dean, he (Ambrose) pulls out a kendo stick and hits Dunne right between the eyes. Stymied, Dunne is hit with a clothesline, giving Ambrose a little more time to bring in another weapon. Dean has now pulled out a florescent light bulb and just as Dunne gets up, Dean smashes it over his (Dunne's) head. Bloody conflict happens for awhile, with Ambrose and Dunne dueling, each trying to get the upper hand. While Dunne is yet again incapacitated, Dean pulls out the greatest weapon ever: a fucking chain saw....Ambrose smiles sadistically as he starts it up. Almost laughing, Dean begins to walk up to Dunne. Dunne comes to and is in an obvious state of panic. Dunne makes his way back into the ring, but Ambrose simply cuts through the ropes, causing all of them to give. While it does enough damage there, it causes the saw to break. He throws it to the side out of frustration and Dunne decides to strike. Dunne is able to hit a brain-buster on Ambrose to buy himself some time. Dunne drags Ambrose to a corner and goes immediately to the outside and grabs a cinder block and a sledge hammer. Dunne places the cinder block (essentially) on Ambrose's crotch and uses the hammer to come down on the cinder block. Dunne then goes to the trash can to bring out the remainder of the light bulbs and sets them down in an organized fashion. Dunne hits the Bitter End on Ambrose on top of the light bulbs. 1-2-3!

Winner via pinfall and STILL Agon Champion: Pete Dunne

The fans break out into "HOLY SHIT" chants followed quickly by chants of "YOU SICK FUCKS!"

JBL: What a night for NMCW!

Jeremy Borash: Dean Ambrose has demonstrated that he will do anything to try to win and Dunne has shown what he will do to keep that Agon Championship!

Dutch: I don't think this is the last time that Dunne and Ambrose will do battle guys. This main event was absolutely crazy!

JB: This whole card was insane Dutch!

JBL: That will wrap it up here for us here at NMCW! We will see you guys on the next episode. Good night everyone!

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