How to survive in corporate?


After three years in IT company, which would like to call itself a corporate, I have found out, how to swim in its waters. After some mistakes, I have learned, who I should know and who I should ignore. Here are some tips that I have learned over the years.

Say “Hello”

Greet everyone. You do not know, who the person is and she or he could be the very important person in the company or a friend of someone like that. When I started, I knew one person and I work in the company of more than 500 people. I have learned to say “hello” to everyone in sight. It is not only polite but when you say it, you smile. At least I smile. People will remember you, even though they do not know your name, they know your face. Everyone in the company is there for some reason, you never know the time, when you will be seeking help and the person will recognize you. Because you said “hello”. Smile, you make their day better.

I have made many friends or at least pleasant colleagues with this one word. I have met people from other departments, who showed me cool tips or introduced me to others. You never know, how powerful is this word, until you start to use it.

Working in a big company is about contacts. I work in IT, a house full of creepy nerds. As a woman in IT, I think, I am freed from many worries. There are not many of us and we are treated like royalty. And we are also treated like we do not know, how to even turn the computer on. But there always is another side of a coin. Guys in IT are shy and most of the time, you have to work with them. Do not wait for them to say “hello”, it may never happen. Be initiative. Smile. And say it. It is wrong, of course, men should greet first, but this is another world. You will show them that you are not afraid of them and be friendly with IT guy really pays off.

I have tried to befriend our internal IT help guys from the very beginning in this company. Right now, I don’t wait, when I have a problem. And be sure, they know everyone. If you have a problem with anything, they will know, who you should talk to. They installed antivirus or anything else.
And don’t forget to find out, how C-level people look. You really want to say hello to your CEO.

Know assistants

I hope, you know that rule. Assistants and receptionists are the most important people in the company. They know everything about everyone. They attend meetings, hear calls, talk to partners and mostly, talk to each other.
It all starts, when you come for the interview. That is the day, they will start to talk about you and if you are hired, the talk will continue.

I was an assistant in a few companies and we truly knew everyone or at least someone who knows someone. It is amazing when you think about it. The assistant, not so much of a career and definitely not a high paying job, but one of the most important employees in the office. Did you try it, survive without them?
You would be surprised, what they know and how they can judge you by your walk, stand, and clothes. And they are right, most of the times. Human resources ask for their opinion and if you do not look good, you are no good for the company.

I was surprised that the receptionists knew, who I was when I started. I was one of the many for this position. I have made an impression. You can as well. Remember, they are the first people, who you will see in the company and your work life can be hell because of them.

I will have some more tips, how to survive in this world, but I think these are the most valuable, at least I think so. There is never too much politeness and there are always rumors.

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