Petition — Don’t Extradite Assange to US

Revealed indictment issued by the criminal US Government against Julian Assange is another heavy spin, aimed to get him into their custody

Imagine that — criminal US Government had to make a SECRET indictment for hacking worth of 5 years in prison, and that is IF it is proven! Why couldn’t they make public indictment for hacking from the beginning? Because it would be easy to prove how absurd this lie is. But if you have Assange into your custody on a “light” indictment, then you can change it as you wish. It’s an obvious trick to justify extradition before the angry nation(s) which understand Assange is a hero of a real journalism, and a man who disrobed toxic fascist governments of the Western World.

Have a look who’s got a tone of joy from the arrest of Julian Assange!

Extradition must be prevented. But the UK Theresa May, Jeremy Hunt and Sajid Javid have announced their intentions, and you can hear for yourself cheers from MPs while PM was issuing her statement on the arrest of Julian Assange:

The only UK MP who openly stand against the extradition was — Jeremy Corbyn:


Personally, I doubt that any kind of pressure could force UK government criminals to release Julian Assange. They have expressed their despise towards people’s will in regards to Brexit referendum, they have expressed their despise towards people’s lives by supporting Saudi genocide in Yemen, and they are afraid of truth Assange could release. They would rather killed him, than release him. But that doesn’t mean we should not try any means we can. Pamela Anderson has correctly qualified UK government as “America’s bitch”…


…and organized signing of a petition against the extradition of Julian Assange to US.

After you sign the petition, do not forget to remind them that their crimes will not be forgotten. Since almost all criminal bastards in both governments have their Twitter accounts, you who still have Twitter accounts can send them this video to remind them they are not forgotten. History will catch up with them, and it is inevitable. Whatever sort of destiny they set for Julian, their will be much worse. Remind them at the fact. Tag them: #YouLiar, #Murderers, #NobodyBelievesYou, or whatever you think is appropriate for the situation, but don’t leave them space for more damage.

We are the mainstream now.
Corporate media must die.


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