Easily increase weight by following rules, you should do it


less weight is harmful. Many people are very lazy to hear a lot. So if the weight is low, then it can increase the rules. Find out if you want to increase the weight, keep some food in the food list every day.low weight decrease the beauty
Everyone say about it.its really disgusting

peanut butter everyday.
If you want to increase the weight of peanut butter everyday. It contains lots of protein and fat. There are also magnesium, folic acid, vitamin B and vitamin E in this butterfly.

bread in the morning every morning.
keep the bread in the morning every morning.There are fiber and some mineral in the bread that is not on another bread.

Regular ghee increases weight.
In addition to fat, there are fatty acids and anti-oxidants.

Potato every day.
A large amount of carbohydrate is available from potatoes which helps in increasing the weight.

eat butter every day.
Instead of oil in cooking, butter can be used. High calorie-rich butter will help to increase weight. But eating extra butter is harmful for health.

cheese on the daily food list.
Lots of fatty material is available from the cheese which will increase your weight quickly.

Put a glass of milk on the daily diet list.

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