One last message ✈️ || Weekend engagement #172

One last message ✈️


Greetings friends of Hive and dear community of weekend experiences ✨.

This week has been somewhat difficult, nevertheless, I took some space for this nice community that every weekend brings us interesting topics.

Normally I don't like to talk about death, what I would do or how I would like it to be because death is something so uncertain, we don't know what day it will be or how it will be. To talk about it is to remember that one day it will come and that scares me a little.

I'm afraid of dying, because, "what would become of my baby without its mother?", that's the main fear I associate with death.

Seeing what the context is like and knowing that at least I have a chance to tell someone something made me want to write about it. And we have here in detail the context:

"You're on a plane about to crash (and you will die) but you have time to send a single text message - what is it and who are you sending it to?"

I would send that last text to my partner and say this:

"Thank you for the good things you have given me all this time, for the wonderful daughter we have. I want you to take good care of her, to give her lots of love, to play with her, to help her with her homework at school, that she can share with my family, and above all that you are the best daddy for her. Tell her that mommy loves her since the first day she knew of her existence, tell her always so she doesn't forget about me. I love you both"

Tears came to my eyes as I wrote this, and it's a little short. These topics are quite nostalgic and make you see in the depths of yourself, how much you want and wish to live to not get to say these last words, but to live them, to be the one who can fulfill those wishes that I put there.

There are many special people I thought of, my mother, my grandmother, my brothers, to say in a single message, in a moment like this, so many things I would like to say to each one of them, what I feel for them, makes me feel again that need to want to be alive.

Life is a gift, to be able to be with those we love every day, to share with them a conversation, a meal, a moment... that is what life gives you, those moments that will remain in our hearts as the greatest treasure and when we are no longer with them, to know that life was a beautiful gift.


Weekend engagement #172; topic proposed by @galenkp; You're on a plane about to crash (and die) but you have time to send a single text message. What is it and who do you send it to? Explain your reasons.


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