Who is Shaggi? Shaggi's Lore (Hashkings)


Shaggi, Shaggi, Shaggi... Se dijo a si mismo, mientras intentaba recordar como habia acabado en esa situacion, encerrado entre las 4 paredes de una oficina muy grande pero que cada vez se le hacia mas pequeña, a veces sentia que le faltaba el aire. Ganaba mucho dinero, pero trabajaba demasiado, tenia una casa enorme en la que nunca estaba, un cochazo que apenas tenia tiempo para disfrutar, vivia en una gran ciudad de renombre que solo disfrutaba desde la ventana de su oficina... Estaba al limite, le costaba respirar, era un momento critico. Entonces, recordo que en algun lugar de su oficina tenia escondido un "rey verde" solo para situaciones de emergencia, y esta, sin duda, era una de ellas. Imagino que todos sabemos lo que es un "rey verde" a estas alturas del partido, y aunque me gustaria, no me voy a extender en esa direccion.


Entonces Shaggi empezo a verlo todo con mas claridad, todo estaba mas nitido. Se levanto de su silla de un salto, asomo la cabeza por la puerta de su oficina. Estaba todo despejado. Recogio sus cosas y salio por la puerta de atras, no para ni a despedirse. Fue directo a su casa, no hizo ni las maletas, se subio a su coche y empezo a conducir hacia el horizonte. No sabia donde iba, pero cuanto mas se alejaba, mejor se sentia y mejor respiraba.


Shaggi en un momento de iluminacion, entendio una cosa, "que no es mas feliz el que mas tiene, sino el que menos necesita".
Continuo conduciendo hasta que se sintio cansado, y paro en un claro para descansar. Cuando amanecio, vio donde habia parado y le dio buena onda, no era mas que tierra y arbustos, pero Shaggi veia mas alla, veia un lugar donde poder tener un lugar para empezar de cero. Y bueno, empezo a cultivar lo necesario para vivir, se hizo una casita con sus propias manos, el clima era bueno, asi que no necesitaba mucho para poder descansar bien. La tierra era fertil y en poco tiempo ya estaba dando sus frutos, planto todas las semillas que pudo conseguir y fue aumentando la variedad de sus cultivos. Todo tipo de hortalizas, verduras, arboles frutales... y como no, tambien planto cannabis y se sorprendio de las muchas utilidades que podia obtener de esa planta. Asi que empezo a cultivar cannabis en gran medida, ya que habia sido legalizado recientemente y habia mucha informacion al respecto sobre como realizar tus propias plantaciones. Y fue increible, porque cada vez habia mas demanada de cannabis en todos los sectores.

Shaggi quiso extender la cultura del cannabis y sus plantaciones, mas alla del lugar que ahora consideraba su hogar. Y asi lo hara! Shaggi esta viajando por lugares tan dispares como puede ser: Asia, Africa, Jamaica, Afghanistan, Mexico y Sudamerica. Esta convencido de que funcionara, se lo pasara bien, conocera gente nueva y sera el dueño de su propio negocio. Asi que Shaggi ya esta preparando los campos de cultivo...


El resto de la historia depende de HashKings y de todos nosotros. No es emocionante?

Estas a tiempo de unirte a esta aventura, conocer gente nueva y pasarlo bien mientras ganamos algun dinerito. Que mas se puede pedir?

Encontraras toda la informacion que necesitas aqui:
Discord: https://discord.gg/Zq29TWe
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Qwoyn_Hashkings

Comprar packs de tierras, semillas y agua (Asia y Jamaica agotado):

English version - I just hope google translate doesn't do any nonsense.

Shaggi, Shaggi, Shaggi ... He said to himself, while trying to remember how he had ended up in that situation, locked between the 4 walls of a very large office but that was getting smaller and smaller, sometimes he felt that he was missing the air. He earned a lot of money, but he worked too much, he had a huge house that he was never in, a car that he hardly had time to enjoy, he lived in a big renowned city that he only enjoyed from his office window ... He was on the edge, it was difficult for him to breathe, it was a critical moment. Then, I remembered that somewhere in his office he had hidden a "green king" just for emergency situations, and this, without a doubt, was one of them. I imagine that we all know what a "green king" is at this point in the game, and although I would like to, I am not going to extend in that direction.


Then Shaggi began to see everything more clearly, everything was more clear. He jumped up from his chair, poked his head out of his office door. Everything was clear. He gathered up his things and went out the back door, not even stopping to say goodbye. He went straight to his house, didn't even pack his bags, got in his car and started driving toward the horizon. He didn't know where he was going, but the further he got away, the better he felt and the better he breathed.


Shaggi, in a moment of enlightenment, understood one thing, "that the one who has the most is not the happiest, but the one who needs the least."
He continued driving until he felt tired, and stopped in a clearing to rest. When it dawned, he saw where he had stopped and it gave him good vibes, it was nothing more than dirt and bushes, but Shaggi looked beyond, he saw a place where he could have a place to start from scratch. Well, he started to cultivate what he needed to live, he made a little house with his own hands, the weather was good, so he didn't need much to rest well. The land was fertile and in a short time it was already bearing fruit, he planted all the seeds he could get and the variety of his crops increased. All kinds of vegetables, greens, fruit trees ... and of course, he also planted cannabis and he was surprised at the many benefits that he could obtain from that plant. So he started to grow cannabis to a great extent, since it had recently been legalized and there was a lot of information about it on how to grow your own plantations. And it was incredible, because there was more and more demand for cannabis in all sectors.

Shaggi wanted to spread the culture of cannabis and his plantations, beyond the place that he now considered his home. And so it will! Shaggi is traveling to places as diverse as it can be: Asia, Africa, Jamaica, Afghanistan, Mexico and South America. He is convinced that it will work, he will have a good time, he will meet new people and he will own his own business. So Shaggi is already preparing the cultivation fields ...


The rest of the story is up to HashKings and all of us. It's not exciting?

You are in time to join this adventure, meet new people and have fun while we earn some money. What more could you want?

You will find all the information you need here:
Discord: https://discord.gg/Zq29TWe
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Qwoyn_Hashkings

Buy land, seeds and water packs (Asia and Jamaica out of stock):


Nice to meet you!
I am fdeflash born in Barcelona and living in Ibiza. Few months of life in #hive. Informatic. Gamer. And some other little thing. I like to discover, collect and level up. I like to write. And I am fascinated with all the news that I am discovering, collecting and leveling up!

You can find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/gameplaysybugs
I have just arrived at Leo Finance: @fdeflash
I would appreciate it if you would follow me on #hive: @fdeflash
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Hope you are on Rising Star: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=fdeflash
LBRY: https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@gameplaysybugs:a
DeFi Fan: https://pool.cakedefi.com/#?ref=160687

I like play with Chrome Apps:
Airdrop: https://cb.run/NJTf
My Youtube Channel App: https://cb.run/piro
Kuailian App: https://cb.run/AD2Q
DeadPool Tab Style: https://cb.run/jsn0
T-series App: https://cb.run/T4w1

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