Flooding in Alberta Update

We have made it through that worst of the melt.  We still have a small amount of snow in the bush but for the most part the snow is gone.  Within one month we went from -9 to +26.  This year we really didn't have much spring weather.  

The ducks are enjoying siwmming through the water on the dugout.  We are watching to see if the water is going to stick around.  Our soil is very sandy and usually all the water drains away.  

The chickens are really enjoying getting out and eat all of the hay that is left behind.  The chickens free range and spend most of their time outdoors.  This makes egg collection fun.  I spend quite a bit of time wandering around looking for nests of eggs.  We have a weasel steeling the eggs right now so it is my job to get to the eggs before it does.

The ducklings are growing well.  They are getting so big.  I have learned that we can't let them get close to deep water for at least another month.  I thought ducks just new how to swim but the reading I have done is they need to get some more fat on their bodies so they will be able to swim.  

This is Sugar. 

This is Elle.

Of course I love my goats.  Here are my two mama's.  We are waiting for kids to come.  Their bodies are showing all the signs that they are ready to kid out but they need to do it on their own time.  I didn't actually see when they got pregnant.  So we need to just watch and wait.  Waiting is hard.  

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