War escalations are an inevitability under Biden.


President Trump ordered all US troops out of Syria. Defense Secretary Mattis resigned over this. The big-bank-establishment-financed members of Congress blocked this troop withdrawal, saying that the US had to stay in Syria to protect the Kurds.

Obama’s US foreign policy adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, had previously stated that the US wars were for control of the flow of all of the oil in the world, in order to control Eurasia (economically). Russia and China are in Eurasia.

Brzezinski was David Rockefeller’s right hand man in recruiting Jimmy Carter into Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, when Carter was still the Governor of Georgia.

David Rockefeller supplied Jimmy Carter with the media exposure that he needed to win the Democratic Party primary in 1976, while Rockefeller’s brother, Nelson Rockefeller, was the incumbent Vice President under Ford.

David Rockefeller and Nelson Rockefeller and their three brothers helped to run the CIA from their Chase Manhattan Bank office suite at Rockefeller Center.

Prescott Bush and the Rockefellers helped to create the CIA from the OSS after WWII. The Rockefeller man John McCloy had founded the OSS after WWI.

The Rockefellers and Bushes ran the CIA. CIA Director Allen Dulles had been a Bush/Harriman (Thyssen) business lawyer in Europe, before WWII.

Zbigniew Brzezinski became Carter’s US National Security Adviser and led the Bush/Rockefeller CIA’s arming of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan.

ISIS and al Qaeda morphed from the Mujahideen.

US General Michael Flynn was persecuted for stating that Obama knowingly supported ISIS and al Qaeda.

Israel’s IDF commander, Lt. General Eisenkot, stated that Israel has supported ISIS, al Qaeda, and the Free Syrian Army (“rebels”) for years.

The Saudis admitted to arming ISIS.

ISIS and al Qaeda fight as allies to the US Coalition troops in Syria, against the government of Syria, for control of the oil passing through Syria.

The US Coalition war is for control of all of the oil flowing through Syria from the Middle East to Europe, by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, who run the biggest international banks and oil corporations.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds run the private Council on Foreign Relations which influences US foreign policy, including oil wars.

The Rockefeller and Rothschild oil corporations now control Iraq’s oil. They sell it mostly to China (and they can cut off this flow of oil).

President Trump refused to start new oil wars in Venezuela and Iran, and he fired US National Security Adviser John Bolton over this, saying that Bolton was trying to start WWIII.

Russia and China now protect Syria, Iran, and Venezuela, militarily.

Joe Biden’s top campaign donors include the Rockefeller commercial banks, Chase and Citi.

Joe Biden is a longtime member of the Rockefeller/Rothschild-run Council on Foreign Relations, just like Brzezinski was.

David Rockefeller said that the Rockefellers and Rothschilds should control the entire planet (economically). He called it globalization. This is why there is a war in Syria.

One of Biden’s first acts as President was to escalate the US Coalition War in Syria. He also aggravated China by increasing US ties to Taiwan.

US vs China military tensions are increasing in the (offshore) oil rich South China Sea.

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