Found someone who can make me smile for real and I just watch it fade away right before my eyes. I'm not confused but I just don't have any questions or comments if she felt it was necessary to leave then I wouldn't stop her.Now I have to start asking questions, what fun, I'm starting to question my actions.
Once again she wants to leave...i know I'm at fault but the matter doesn't involve such drastic measures. Delebrating on if I should stop her or let her go. She could even think of leaving it's shocking. Once again I'm all alone in my own foolishness or madness I can't say but if she leaves me would I be able to live?
Well all this are questions I know the answer to but I just need someone to talk to and since I have the walls they echo them back to me. It can be referred to as madness since I'm talking to myself but this is the way It is for now, I'm not mad, I'm just not loving the way I do things.
My heart may be hollow but it's not empty I feel pain but I talk to myself about it and I reason with me.
Everyone deserves to be happy so I have to make her happy. well, I'm a lively person so I deal with issues fast but it's not helping.
She is more important than I am to myself and I wonder my I take her fist even before me. That's a very serious matter I need to ponder on.
God please help me for I'm no longer a child
By ifechigo
If you like this please resteem it
This would be my first of many poem