This post will give upvoters 2x returns

Early on when Hive forked after the "bid bot" era I had this idea, this was before there was a way to promote posts on front-ends, I believe. It's been years now and aside from the default percentage I've yet to see anyone use this feature for the purpose it was meant to be used but 99.99% just to liquidate rewards using

The idea was that you could forfeit a certain part of the post rewards to your voters. To do this, you'd simple send a memo with the number 0-100, this would indicate the percentage you'd like to forfeit to your voters. I've currently set it to 100% for this post and the default when using is 4% which is why you may often see it send smaller rewards everywhere, we figured it was small enough of a percentage not to bother people using it just for the liquidation but large enough to cover many people so the project would market itself.

Now even though the main idea was never used properly, I do wonder what was lacking. Was it just that there's no demand for attention? We all know the bid bot era was quite a failed project as well as close to no one would buy votes because they really wanted the attention, if that was the case then the votes would never have been profitable thus having to compete with shitposts on trending by people just stacking bid votes for max APR while the sellers were just happy they were getting a lot higher returns compared to the at the time just 25% going to curators.

Since downvotes were a bit more common at the time, I figured that this idea, if abused, could always be countered by downvotes. Sure it never made it past a couple testers but had it actually had demand and been used more I'm sure @peakd would've been able to figure out how to display what % amount voters would get for each post aside from adding the water droplet icon when using

How do you think it would've gone had it actually been used the way it was meant to? I mean liquidating rewards is sure nice now and then when you need it, but that was just part of what it did and I guess @likwid stopping his service meant we got all the customers who prefered liquid rewards instead of getting half in hive power.

But how would it have evolved if you'd be able to tell which posts got you higher returns as a curator. If I were to constantly use this service and voters were made aware that they would get 2x returns on their vote on each and every post of mine, at some point it could lead to my posts constantly trending no matter the content. Would people bother to downvote them to adjust the rewards? How much would they downvote them knowing the % the voters were getting out of it?

Quite hypothetical questions but I wonder if we'd see more usage of this service down the line when there's a lot more people joining and wanting the attention other than the rewards. I realize when someone has something important they want trending it's not that difficult to get in touch with larger stakeholders but without those connections it might be a lot more difficult and if it's not a special post they may not always adhere to your request.

Anyway, figured a bit of a different post for once as I'm here not being able to sleep and at the same time wanting to thank my voters for their years of support, both manual and auto. Enjoy the double rewards this one time. :D

Image created with Midjourney courtesy of the year of the dragon, you zingers better be prepared for some new reveals soon!

*title - may not work with layer 2 tokens


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