Message to All the Busybody "Permit Patties"

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"Slavery..." as Charles Bukowski so eloquently put it, "was never abolished. It was only extended to include all the colors ."


Albeit, most only understand it on a subconscious level and haven't actually put all the pieces together: Most all of humanity is enslaved on the updated 2.0 version of the chattel slave plantation.

And as such, the so-called White, "busybody" calling cops (overseers) for any sort of victimles crime, are the de facto "house nigga" of Plantation 2.0.

To understand the role of the house nigga on the plantation listen to how El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) describes the difference between the "house nigga" and the "field nigga".

They'll do all it takes to maintain this position, albeit 1 of subservience. They have been duped into believing that their way of life is somehow different and better, and needs to be protected at all costs. They've been duped into believing that the police and the government are there to protect it and, in a sense they are (just in the most orwellian sense of "protect").

If you happen to be one of these so-called busybodies calling for Victimless crimes, regardless of your so-called race, realize that you are only safeguarding your role as a slave by participating in and validating the system of oppression for all of humanity.

Please stop. Let the better part of your humanity guide your life and be on the right side...the moral side of History:

Become a Voluntaryist

Taxation is picking cotton 2.0.
Statism is Plantationism.

Check out this related article by @dollarvigilante


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