How to keep beautiful body with yoga

Good morning everyone!
To have the perfect body, many people have to diet miserable but the effect is still not as expected. Even more people use weight loss pill which lead to depression shypotension and many other dangerous diseases. So how to have a great physique?
So I'm going to introduce to you some of the yoga posture that have the effect of toning the body, and help we have a beauty body.
Yoga Not only help calm, comfortable, Yoga is also the "god of medicine" for beauty, skin, improve the physique. The following four yoga postures will help you improve your physique.

1. Plow postures (Halāsana)

Starting with comfortable lying on the carpet, two hands follow the body. Gradually raise your legs up, keep the back posture carpet, pull the foot toward the head, the foot touches the carpet. Breathe in and keep 10-15 counts.

2. Plank postures (Phalakāsana)

Start with comfortable lying on the carpet. Tighten the abdominal muscles then the two legs to touch the floor, Make sure your hips are lower than your back, firm posture. Breathe in and keep 10-15 counts.
Note: Keep your back firm, not down, from the back to the hips down a straight line.

3. Half Moon postures (Ardha Chandrāsana)

Beginning with a straight upright posture, the legs are wide with shoulders, hands relaxed. Slowly to the right, the right hand down the carpet, hands out, arms perpendicular to the carpet. The left leg is raised high, and the left hand is raised high over the head with the right hand. Breathe in and keep 10-15 counts. Switch sides and perform the same.
Note: Gently squeeze your stomach, arms and legs firmly, face facing forward.

4. Chair Twisted Pose (PARIVRTTA UTKATASANA)

Starting with the upright position, the legs are closed. Slowly lower the knee, lower the hips and keep in squatting position. Place your hands in front of your chest, twist your spine until the right elbow touches the left knee, feeling the tension in your thighs and thighs. Breathe in and keep 10-15 counts. Switch back and reposition.
Note: tighten abdominal muscles, keep your chest high when doing this posture.
On the four yoga postures will help you improve your physique, wish you success with the above method. THANKS FOR READING

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