The XXXconnect fever


If you've been looking in Youtube for information about cryptocurrencies (trading, mining, investment, etc.) in the last few months, I'm pretty sure you got to know all those annoying Bitconnect commercials they used to put right before every single related video.

After "you know what" happened to their platform and to that coin, you could actually still watch those commercials for a few more days. I guess those were prepaid and YouTube had to keep them running until the contract was over. So I had no problem with that.

Just a few days ago I was searching for some videos again and to my surprise, I watched a commercial in which you could see the Bitconnect logo desappearing from the screen to give way to this "brand new" lending platform. At first couldn't stop thinking about how these people could be so stupid by associating their brand in any way to Bitconnect after their platform and token crashed so badly. I know this might be yet another prepaid publicity, but maybe it's not.

A couple of days later I just couldn't remember this new platform's name and I got kind of curious about it. So I went to Google it and what I found is kind of disturbing: Lendconnect, Neoconnect and all kind of new "lending platforms" that promise similar returns to whatever Bitconnect used to promise and even more.

Guys, I know that we all need money. That most of us are struggling to have some additional income that puts us and our families closer to the kind of life we all dream for. But that's exactly what all of theses scams use to hypnotize people like us and try to prevent us from thinking logically. Convincing us that they are some kind of money wizards that have discovered a new revolutionary way of making money and that they're so kind to share this little secret with us so that we can take advantage of it too.

You might think that people are not that stupid to fall for these kind of deception once again. But I can tell you, there are people out there that got rekt by Bitconnect (and/or some other scam of the same type) but still are whining about how "envy and bad press" destroyed their wealth dreams. People who are screaming out badly they want to get scammed and rekt once again.

Please, don't be one of them. Believe me, if you are not interested in protecting your savings and your hard earned money then nobody it's going to do it for you.

Trust nobody

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