Going to Govinda’s: Tenerife’s 2nd Vegan Brunch Potluck Meetup

A gorgeous day in Tenerife of a weekend and an ideal time to sample some healthy culinary delights. A Sunday helping of the second of the popular ‘vegan brunch potluck meetups’ which took place at Govinda’s restaurant down in Playa de las Americas.

The idea was for everyone to bring a dish that they made to share and then tuck in to what others brought too, have a bit of a chat and a good time.

Now, full disclaimer, I’m not actually vegan myself (the CG team is a mix in that regard, a representation of the whole)… or even a veggie but certainly moving in that direction, curious and willing to learn. Old habits die hard but I can see the benefits of a more plant based lifestyle, both at an individual health level, along with the wider repercussions with animals and the environment.

The event was organised by Petra Kavšek (The Foodie!), a Slovenian girl passionate about green lifestyle and with a high level of skill in the particularly niche art of vegan food photography. She organised a great initiative, took care of everyone and helped the day go with a swing.

First up, I was presented with a tasty green juice which went down a treat. This is Govinda’s very own non-alcoholic ‘mojito’ which was delicious and full of goodness, and we could all do with more of these in our lives – a healthy green juice to start the day, for example, is a superior alternative to all the sugary drinks and coffee we often consume.

I didn’t go too wild with the food but tried to try a little of each. A particular favourite for me was a chilli pasta that tickled my taste buds. Vegan or not, I am partial to a bit of spice and that’s always a winner whatever the situation.

Spanish omelettes, potato and rice dishes, coconut cakes, brownies, cookies, crackers and more were on display and all being heartily dove into, all in an atmosphere of good vibes with positive and friendly people.

This array was just the tip of the iceberg I’m sure, and there are far more recipes to get in amongst… all the more reason to keep coming back to these kind of events.

A lot of non-vegans (including vegetarians) are worried that a) they won’t get all the nutrients they need, and b) whether they can have a rich, varied and tasty diet when all out vegan. The answer I’m sure is yes, but the proof is in the pudding so it would be great to be shown all that this way of eating (and wider lifestyle) has to offer. Especially with the rise of technology, consuming animal products could be a thing of the past soon.

Wherever you are in your journey, it’s always good to meet people where they’re at and educate, inform and inspire.

The vegan and green communities, projects and movements are growing by the day (like Canary Green! An extension of the great work done at Canary PR). We live in an age of opportunity where if we all pull together we can make some real progress. No judgements, but setting a fine example that others can’t help but want to emulate.

So, will I be back for more?? Of course! And this time I’ll see what nutritious dish I can bring to the table 😋

~ Adam & the CG team

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