Spike Protein a dangerous 'Toxin'?


The existence of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus as a separate virus is still doubtful, since no pure samples of this virus have been produced anywhere. Average death stats have not shown extra deaths on average. Is it just another flu? Death tolls have been mostly in old and sick people and the average danger to young people is almost nil, becoming truly non-existent in children. So I doubt stories of lab leaks and stories of the SARS-2 virus being a bioweapon. Very murky and confused issue of course.

However, there is no doubt of the reality of the mRNA sequences having been manufactured by gene modification and protected in nanoparticles of PEG to be the active ingredients of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s “vaccines”. These mRNA sequences are designed to lead to the production of spike protiens. They say these spike proteins are spikes from, or similar to spikes from, the SARS-2 virus. And scientists believe that I’m sure.

But really the mRNA in the jabs is a manufactured genetic sequence with no necessary connection with any natural viruses, or so it seems to my reasoning. The “m” in mRNA stands for “modified” or “messenger”. The name Moderna comes from “MOD-ified RNA” because that’s the process which this company staked its future on when they were founded in 2012.

How does the mRNA injection work? This artificial RNA is injected into your shoulder muscle and the artificial RNA penetrates the muscle cells at the site of injection. Once inside these cells the alien RNA goes into the cells' protein manufacturing system and orders up the production of the artificial spike proteins which are then detected by the immune system of your body and your body produces anti-bodies against these artificial spike proteins as if they were on the surface of a real virus. That’s the theory.

But since this gene modification process has never been tried before on any wide scale, questions arise that Moderna and Pfizer have no answers for. (Or so they say)

Firstly, your cells now having been turned into factories to mass produce spike proteins, how long are they going to keep on producing these dangerous alien proteins? Is there any kill switch? Pfizer and Moderna say they have no answer to that question.

Secondly, these spike proteins are, like natural coronavirus spikes, designed to penetrate cell walls. Will these proteins stay put in your shoulder muscles so your immune system can deal with them in a nice contained way or will they get into your blood stream and take a ride all over your body and penetrate cell walls and membranes of your body’s other organs. And what about the mRNA, the original “vaccine”? Will that get into your blood stream and go all over your body making spike protein factories everywhere it accumulates?

This second question has apparently been answered and the answer is yes. Both the mRNA and the spike proteins do get into your blood stream. And these spike proteins do horrendous damage. They penetrate the blood-brain barrier and they accumulate in your other organs as well. And if you are a woman they cross the barriers to accumulate in your ovaries and in your breast milk if you are nursing. These proteins are corrosive in every way; they dissolve cell walls. And they are being produced in massive amounts by your cells' manufactories wherever the mRNA travels to in your body.

A terrible toll of death and damage from these vaccines, especially Pfizer’s and Moderna’s, is now being reported by the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and by the European Medicines Agency. That bad news matches terribly well with this new research. The Global Research article I cite reports several different scientists’ research leading to the same conclusions. Pfizer did research that revealed the terrible problems that spike proteins cause but that research, done in Japan, was kept secret until Dr Byram Bridle, a Canadian viral immunologist from the University of Guelph obtained a copy of the research:


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