Philippine Justice Insists Denvaxia Caused Deaths Of Children - Now American Soldiers Are Being Suggest As Test Subjects!

This is a sick and twisted game being played out for big profits, risking human lives. The ongoing Denvaxia scandal in the Philippines has the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) insisting that children were damaged and died because of Sanofi Pasteur's vaccination campaign.

Sanofi does not want to pay the Philippine government for the damage and death they have caused and continues to try to push Denvaxia's approval around the world including in the US.

In a worrying twist of events US military service men stationed in the Philippines are being touted as the next group of test subjects for a vaccine that has already proven to kill.

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The Sanofi Pasteur Dengvaxia Scandal

I have covered this evolving story on several occasions and it serves as a current and relevant example of the ruthlessness of big pharmaceutical companies when it comes to profits.

In brief the Philippine government paid Sanofi upfront for their dengue fever vaccine. Later it was shown that the vaccine had deadly impacts on children because those youngsters who had not previously caught dengue fever were experiencing severe reactions and even death from dengue fever after receiving the vaccine.

The government is now claiming that many children died and they stopped the program before it's planned completion. The vaccine did not seem to stop people from contracting dengue fever rather it amplified the symptoms and in some cases caused death!

After all the unravelling I was not surprised to see that the research into Dengvaxia was paid for by Sanofi itself! It's the same old corruption again and again. The people's lives don't matter just the profit and control of the planet!

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Philippines PAO Insists Deaths Were Caused By Dengvaxia!

Persida Acosta, who is the Chief of the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) continues to insist that children died from this vaccine. It is best if you read her words for yourself:

"“The 60 Dengvaxia casualties we have examined had these adverse effects attributed to the vaccine – internal organ bleeding, edema and hemorrhages. Dengvaxia has side effects as admitted by Sanofi (Dengvaxia maker Sanofi Pasteur) in December 2016 before the vaccine was bought – allergic anaphylactic reaction, viscerotropism, neurotropism and/ or severe dengue.”

Here it is in black and white. Sanofi knew there were dangerous side effects but in their avaricious drive for profits they ignored the results completely. Those poor children! 😢

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Sanofi Pushes For Dengvaxia Regulation Across The Globe

In the face of these horrendous allegations Sanofi is playing a defensive strategy and being very cagey about what they will and won't admit. Damage limitation seems to be the order of the day because they are busy trying to have this dangerous vaccine cleared for use around the globe.

Dengvaxia has already been approved in Mexico, Brazil, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Guatemala, Peru, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore. They are also trying to have it approved by the FDA in the US and this is where things get twisted...

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The US Military & Dengue Vaccines

Pilipino government member Johnny Pimentel, who is chairman of the House committee on good governance and public accountability has now suggested that the US military should be testing the dengvaxia on their soldiers.

The soldiers would have no choice but to take this vaccine carrying on the long tradition of being human guinea pigs for the military industrial complex. He further revealed that:

"This is a matter of public record. In fact, at one point, a joint US Navy and Army research program actually began human clinical trials for another candidate vaccine against dengue."

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What is Wrong Here?

In this instance we have the Philippine government halting a vaccination program because of deaths. They are still insisting that scores of children died from dengvaxia. The initial studies into the vaccine by the Philippine government were funded by Sanofi themselves, in a clear case of corruption and conflict of interest.

Dengvaxia has been approved for us in several other countries around the world. What due diligence did Singapore undertake before approving this vaccine? Were they also relying on Sanofi to pay for the medical studies?

Although Sanfoi is being shifty they are pushing to have this vaccine approved around the world. How many more brown children have to die before these maniacs are prepared to cut their losses and go back to the drawing board and design something better?

The truth is they don't care! It's profits and bonuses for these guys while the brown children die. Below you will see a screenshot that I took directly from Sanofi's homepage. It's disgusting and makes an abominable mockery of all the dead children in the Philipines.

If Sanofi really wanted to show belief in their products lets see the senior management vaccinate themselves and their own children first! 😉

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Yuck! They should change this to # to #greedandmurder !😡

Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

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