Sanofi's Dengvaxia: is it helpful or deadly in dengue fever prevention?

As the first approved dengue vaccine in the world by Sanofi, is it really helpful to the population it wants to save from this disease? How trustworthy is it to humanity, let alone to the vulnerable population?

A controversy in the Philippines

Arriving this December in the country, and learning that an investigation had been launched into the immunization of about 730, 000 children with this dengue vaccine 3 days ago, I can't help but say my piece, as a health professional, and with my experience of having a vaccine as a disease prevention.

I haven't had dengue nor malaria, but I have had FLU, which in my case, I MUST NOT HAVE ONE, to prevent spreading to my vulnerable patients where I work. It would have been easier to not go to work, but hey, working in the health sector means to not be sick at all. Cost is very definitive in most working conditions.

Flu vaccine

We don't have flu vaccines in the Philippines, but abroad, it is wide-spread and very much accessible. As I keep saying, it's a MUST for the staff in the health sector, for one reason to another.

Till before this vaccine was ever injected to my body, having a flu is common. Usually, it takes 3-5 days before I recover from it, having the usual 2-3 days body pains, making me bed-ridden, as it's painful to move with the body aches.

But for a few years now, signing a waiver at work when refusing the flu vaccine had been the norm. Why not? There are adverse effects for some that are very serious, or even causes DEATH, who is accountable for that? It's my body, my life.

Personally, it will just be statistics and will go nowhere.

Anyway, I still get the flu, every now and then. But without the flu vaccine. The first and last time I've had the flu was few years back causing me to be bedridden for about 7 days. And still off-sick from work for a few days longer. 

What's the point of having it?So, do we need vaccines? Can be so deadly and might be too late for some.

Would anyone rather have the common flu than have the serious adverse effects, no matter how low is its' occurence? For sure, this common flu have been ongoing for years and years.

I don't want to go in the history of vaccines as it seemed gross the last time I've read it. If I remember correctly, it was due to small pox. Please do a bit of research yourselves.

Dengvaxia vaccine

As the 1st vaccine to be licensed in the world for the prevention of dengue, the World Health Organization endorsed the said vaccine and countries where it was promoted consisted of Mexico, Brazil, El Salvador and the Philippines. How these other countries are faring about their vaccination programs, I have no idea. The Philippines was the 1st country in Asia to have it licensed in 2016.

With what is happening in the Philippines right now, 730 thousand affected is way too much. Or was it stopped before it reached this number? The program was stopped only last Friday, how many was injected?

Sanofi Pasteur came out with a warning 3 days ago about precautions in its' usage wherein, this vaccine MUST only be given to those population who have had dengue before. Was this followed before its' implementation in the Philippines? Was a proper screening done to prevent inappropriate administration and prevent tragic results?


The Federal Commision for the Protection against Sanitary Risks approved Dengvaxia for the prevention of dengue caused by all 4 virus serotypes in pre-adolescents, adolescents and adults, 9 to 45 years of age living in the endemic areas.

9-45 years old target population

So, this means a wider target population compared to what the present program from the government was doing for children that was put on hold. It could have been more!

Suffice to say, there have been no deaths reported yet from dengvaxia, but will we wait for that to happen? I mean, dengue hemorrhagic fever, if untreated immediately can cause cardiovascular collapse from low platelets causing shock and death.

Here in the Philippines, the result of this investigation will warrant the involvement of the FDA, how trustworthy is the Food and Drug Administration agency?

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