The liquidity growth challange for USI-Tech

If you have followed along at all with what is happening at USI-Tech and perhaps even considered whether at some point to become an active member consider this latest news that is an indicator of how cryptocurrencies are moving mainstream.

A new high profile startup called "Project Omni" lead by former State Street firm is attempting to fill the need for large cap investors to become market participants in the Crypto Currency market.

"The market's shallow, unorganized pools of liquidity mean investors  looking to buy more than $20 million-worth of a cryptocurrency often  find themselves pulling together investments the old-fashioned way –  by cold-calling people they know and putting together the order  manually. " 

"Instead of solely looking to capitalize on the increased efficiency  promised by moving aspects of the financial workflow to a blockchain,  Liang said those institutions have begun to increasingly want to  capitalize on the crypto assets themselves. That change, he said, is in large part due to the increased market caps of cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin and ethereum, which are capturing the attention of those looking to diversify their portfolios. "

For USI-Tech the problem is not so much having members with large amounts of cash coming in but rather an exponentially growing membership base, which can pose challenges to find enough liquidity in the market for the aggregate USI-Tech investment pool. The fact that new services like "Project Omni" are entering the market means that liquidity concerns can be addressed more readily very soon and accommodate investment pools like USI-Tech and an up-and-coming community of institutional investors entering the Crypto-Currency market.

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