The people calling for the banning of Twitter, on Twitter, are truly ridiculous

I don't really understand people and their sense of self-importance when it comes to their online persona. The way in which people will make demands of others online and how they talk down to everyone else especially when it comes to politics is both hilarious and maddening. Every now and then I get fwd something that someone posted that I guess is supposed to be a warning of sorts but when I try to look up who the person is they are just a nobody.

This Tweet was particularly funny to me


I'd never heard of this person but it turns out she is a "full time activist." Oh fantastic. She also seems to have a very high level of TDS in that her activism is directed solely at being anti-Trump. I can find no record of her doing any other sort of activist work but then again, I didn't dig very hard because I don't really care.


I did find out that she has spent a great deal of her life living in San Francisco, which I wish was some sort of surprise but it is not.

I don't really care about this woman and I don't have the time or energy to hate anyone but I just think it is hilarious that she believes that Google and Apple would even listen to her. I did find out that she has become a multi-millionaire from her "activism" and that does seem to be a very good business to be involved in if you can get enough people upset enough to give you money to keep the fight going. Personally I think there is a special place in the hell that I do not believe in for people like Shannon who use other people's money to enrich themselves when that money was donated for some other reason. There are many activists who do this sort of thing and it just so happens that the "best" activists are also very very rich.

Regardless, I would really like to see what the responses were from Google and Apple that Shannon sent to them, if they even bothered to respond at all. It's a very "Karen" moment to talk about how you are encouraging the banning of a product while using said product to get your message out to other people.

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