Another Time to Now

It was years ago, i had a blog on livejournal.
I basically had no filter and just word vomited up to several times a day when i had access to the web.
Then as i began to delve further in to throws of my eating disordered passion. I sought another venue to word vomit about vomitting and over exersising, restricting, boys, etc. I found xanga and discovered the Thinspo wagon.
Down the rabbit hole of Thin culture, scrutinizing every single thing as i was tought.

I cannot believe i thought i was fat. The ugly friend w glasses.
That beautiful girl was so lost in confusion and fear and lonliness.

I found courage in myself to dig deep. To realize my dreams. Work, yes. Lots of work, every minute.
I do have my upstream times, especially during the winter.
That's okay, though.
I try to learn what i can, even in my down times.
I could be feeling worse, but i have embraced myself. I accept myself unconditionally, my feelings are valid. I will seek balance in my ever evolving style.
And w deliberate intention i will rise.

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