NTIFA MANUAL FOUND On Evergreen College Campus: Shut Down Their Rallies…Force The Media To Show Our Side As The Righteous One

 This copy of the Antifa Manual, that is used by the George Soros funded, violent, anti-American, anti free-speech radical group, was allegedly found on the Evergreen College campus. The content of this manual is disturbing and should be read by every American, so we understand what we are up against. It helps to explain why these groups call our President and his supporters “Hitler” or “racists” or “homophobes.” It’s not that Trump or his supporters are any of these things, it’s just part of a campaign to humiliate and shut down any opposition to radicals whose ultimate goal is a one world order and the destruction of capitalism in America.  


It’s important to gain control of the media through any means necessary.Some major media conglomerates are swinging to our side, but they have not gone far enough.It’s no coincidence that CNN just published a fluff piece on Antifa today: Unmasking the leftist Antifa movementThe CNN piece was clearly written to shed a sympathetic light on the violent group that’s been caught attacking and harming so many innocent Americans, many of them were harmed by Antifa for defending free speech and/or our President Donald J. Trump.Look for the leftist media to kick it into high gear when it comes to defending the violence perpetrated on innocent Americans by the violent Antifa group. More of these soft pieces on the radical Antifa group are sure to be popping up over the next several months.If you are seeking positions of power in the media, be sure to obfuscate and hide your true intentions on the various social media platforms.Use social media as a baton to slap down anyone who hold fascist viewpoints. Call them racist, homophobic, misogynistic. Create an echo chamber around you. 

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