Dreadlocks and Red Skin Standard Beauty of the Himba Tribe Women in Kaokoland Africa


Dreadlocks and red skin become the standard beauty of the Himba Tribe in Kaokoland Namibia, Africa. What is the origin? Towards puberty or adulthood, the Himba Tribe adolescent girls began to decorate their hair with the installation of hair extensions. This Hair Extension is made of cowhide, goat, straw and ex fur, goat hair. All materials will be tanned together and the manufacturing process will take a day.


After that the women will wear it as a symbol of their status and pride. Hair extensions will be arranged differently according to their age and status. So every man from that tribe can know ohhh, how old is the himba tribe girl, still a kinkis, already married or even widowed.


Maintaining the beauty of Himba tribal hair is not an easy thing. Women will coat their hair every day with Otjize, which is animal fat mixed with red soil. Not only as a hair sunscreen, but this herb also functions as an insect repellent. And when you want to sleep the himba tribal women use pillows made of wood.


The red color is not only a symbol of beauty, but has become a standard of beauty that women are obliged to act in order to be glimpsed by the men of the Himba tribe. Yes, if there are women who are not married, it can be a big problem in the Himba tribe, the woman's family is obliged to pay customary fines in the form of small numbers of cattle and can make empty bags suddenly.


For this reason the Himba tribe women competed to look beautiful with their mainstay red makeup. From dreadlocks that are covered in red soil until every inch of their body is also covered with the red herb.


Yes, himba tribe women rarely take a bath, it can take months only when it rains, they take a shower (forced). Luluran red land is the successor, while the men still like to take a bath even though only once or twice a week.


And as an enhancer of beauty appeal, mothers in the Himba Tribe will give an Ohumba Necklace to their daughters, later the Ohumba Necklace will be handed down from generation to generation to the next generation. Made from white shell material and can weigh several kilograms. Wow, the sprain is the head, what is important, the important thing is to make it more beautiful, so is the opinion of the women of the Himba Tribe.


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