Russia's Hybrid Aggression.

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Russia's Hybrid Aggression. Lessons for the World

Section 1. Introduction to hybridity

Approaches to the modern essence of war. Options for determining a hybrid aggression. The technologies war of the modern world. The consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation.

In any human society, it isn't possible to imag ine any military action without aggressive fighting. War and the threat of the use of force have long been great policy elements. Military spending and expenses have consistently increased throughout history therefore turning it into a sa cred cow. Even the tragic outcome of the testing of the hydrogen bomb during World War II did not stop the use and proliferation of nuclear weapons or the arms race. Rather, it forced the recognized centers of power on the planet and the countries who aspired to become like them, to act with more subtlety.

But nuclear and other weapons of mass de struction were not the only factors that affected the behavior of the leading countries in the world. After the Second World War, nations had almost lost their monopoly regarding the con duct of war.

In third world countries, the military-political contradictions are often turned around the con duct of non-conventional wars. Unusual and un expected hostilities that were traditionally "against the rules" were the only available means for the people of yesterday's colonies to chal lenge the monopolies that objectively weakened them following the after-effects of the Second World War.

For instance, the Soviet partisans and the Yu goslav partisans in theory and practice of the so called post-World War II "popular wars," and Mao Zedong in China all proved serious challenges. Those who previously wanted to rekindle the flames of the proletarian throughout revolution the world in the middle of the 20th century by jousting on a large chessboard preferred fighting without rules. This new military reality was referred to as the "war among the people," and had a significant impact on the course of internation al relations.

An undeclared war can be featured as a hall mark of the 20th century and with it, the demon stration of changes in the system of international relations. Recall that Soviet Russia first rehearsed a 20-30 year "hybrid war" against its neighbors

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