The Art Of ULOGGING "Mines The Human". Even Your Cookies Have Value; "Own Them" And Steem And A Variety Of Rewards Will Start To Seek You Out.

Every time i play in the midst of extreme pains, i gain insight and then create ginormously awesome things. 

In this post and likely in the next few posts after this, i will be playing. You will see me play in this very post in just about now:

Here are recent plans that will play out soon on

View all recent issues on the ULOGS GitHub here: (more to follow) 

So basically, i will add #teardrops #untalented (un(dis)talented) on and various other paradigms to the website to "mine the human". While steem tackles "proof of brain" for the most part, we add to this model by mining the "human".

If  you are to look at the recent issues that I have created on GitHub for, you will find very-pinpointly-specific entries, modeled to celebrate "everyone" regardless of SP levels, status etc. You will also notice that the default display on #ulog ( is "new" in place of "trending".

We will explain with insight upon the announcement of the website for full-blown use.

We want to build on "more "value" for "human"". "Humans" are not ordinary; they have never been! "Humans" were created in Jehovah's image, with most other creatures in its subjection. Every "human" is more than a celebrity. 

The world from a general perspective appears to have entered stages where crypto-kitties, superman, Blacky the millionaire cat etc is begin to present more "value" than humans.

We are going back to down-to-earth with! We are leaving outer-space. We coming back down-to-earth. 

Well, if you look more intently at the very current state of Mama Earth, "it has started going back" (with the advent of blockchain and especially, since the birth and use of the "steem blockchain").

Yes, with blockchain "that the world has begun going back "down-to-earth" is obviouser. One day, look at the steem blockchain closely. Over time, make the steem blockchain also a CCTV into the true state of the world and you will see these words of mine play out.

"The world is going back-to-earth and the inclination to do so, is now more popular than it once was".

Well, even oblivious to us, blockchain and especially, the steem blockchain is bring us back down-to-earth. 

"Humans" are now barer and there are many mirrors on the steem blockchain, making "humans" even all-the-more barer and "the painted-ness that once covered most of the surfaces, is losing paint".

The world is suddenly becoming beautifuller; realer; showing flaws and bearing the flaws etc because have we ever been flawless? Remove the paint and we are mere dust. "Brownish!". This is a beauty. Not crypto-kitties, not superman, not pokemon; "Brownish!"

On steem, we tend to forget "human" a bit in the presence of steem power etc until we start to go back to "human" because if we keep on hanging around on here on steemit, "we will go back" consciously or obliviously. 

Steem does something that is not so mentioned and that is where most of its power emanates (when it comes to real world adjustment), moreso than from the financial rewards its distributes or its price in the markets etc. It is in something that steem calls "proof of brain"; which in reality is only the preface because it is more of "proof of mind"

It rewards you for "mining the mind" incessantly in the midst of many "mirrors" (reputable great minds and a bare blockchain).

In separate post when i play again (under duress), i will do a special post to explain steem's beauty and for the first time, i will touch on EOS, to help (you) explain "steem's beauty".

In the one or two times i read of EOS, i see more of "steem's beauty". It is just like Michael Jackson and Usher Raymond. They are both dancers but every time, i see Usher dance, i see Michael Jackson video next because even the worst of AI(s), will suggest a Michael Jackson video somewhere in the mix.

Indeed, one utmosly powerful beauty of blockchain is; "exploring the  human". We want to create value built around the fact that the steem blockchain contains human. People pay to buy crypto-kitties, pugs, virtual babies etc won't people pay for things that constitute human? Well, we will very much find out real-time as enters full-blown fruition.

Yes, sometimes you feel, "why should people be interested in what i constitute; i am no Kim Kardashian". Well, a lot of that will adjust over the course of time as and the art of #ulogging enters full-blown state.

See this video by @snook:

The  art of #ulogging while it simply looks like "creating fresh content" that constitutes "you" daily; it is actually accomplishing "mining the human".

This is a recipe for positive world adjustment. 

Look at this screenshot closely. Please read every line with feelings and let see where you are at when you are done?

Did you see that as simple as the words on that screenshot looks, there is alot of "mining the human" involved?
Have you noticed how you have lived through each of many-days and not have paid conscious attention to some of the things in the list and if you did pay conscious attention, of how you may have not actually known them to be of much relevance to you?

Have  you really paid attention to these very tiny elements of you, "your very own cookies" that google etc have used to make millions or billions or trillions of dollars. Why then has google etc made money off of your cookies and you haven't? Well, because they see value in your cookies and you aren't even seeing your own cookies.

There is value in "your cookies", do you see? 

While you may feel like "everyone" else or perhaps, feel like you aren't some special person, that the world can pay attention to (celeb), your cookies (per day) are what's so not generic.

Well, if there is already testimonial evidence of google, Facebook etc making money out of your own cookies daily, then these tiniest elements of you, that you will pop out during the art of #ulogging (mining the human), do have immense "value" and can have to you too.

There is utmost value in "mining the human" but  mostly if you use your cookies yourself. Many of us don't use our cookies but you so would, when you become a Ulogger because you would carry out the art of #ulogging daily and consciously or obliviously, you will mine your own cookies and with your cookies now establishing "value" to you (deeply-rootedly), "a variety of rewards and the currency steem" will begin to seek you. 

Well, another core aspect that we will play out in relation to steem on is "a variety of rewards".

Each verified and certified ULOGGER (@uloggers) will have special perks as you will see even now, upon signing in on

So back to some play! What if I tell you that @ulogs is uncountallion steem industry, will you doubt me? Well, think thrice!

Many answers are simply simple. Once start to own our cookies (mine the human incessantly also through #ulogging), not only will it be "true celebrity-hood for "everyone" once and for all"; steem and variety of rewards is bound to seek out and frequency and oh, how these things (steem and variety of rewards) will love our frequency. 

bus(y/i)ness (Play)

Amidst all odds, i just played and now we have this: "bus(y/i)ness".

I simply added Mathematics into the English because while everything appears complicated in Math, look at the word "Mathematics" more intently and you will find English in it.

Like i always say, "while giant solutions lie in the first simplest obviousest solutions, we jump hastily to the nth complexest solutions first and even lose our(very)selves in the process, entering outer-space! Tons of answers even in relation to positive world adjustment are "down-to-earth".

Now that's was me yesterday. I have new shirt today. (I did play)

A day before Now!

I will be home soon and stronger and with more fire. "Your boy Terry" is a constant. I wasn't able to attend with you today, @melanie0625 and @zoeroces @chinito and the others at the steem meetup (June 24th 2018), but you may know why. Be shocked if i pop up there! (June 25th 2018)

Your Boy Terry


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Let's Grow Steemit/Steem Inside-Out With One Other Hack!!! 

Click On The Link To Subscribe To My Youtube Channel:

I will be waking the YouTube channel up and storming it with steem/steemit related videos. My videos will contain rare Intel, "no    books" involved (in assimilateable bits).  

Quick Update:   

19,916 Steemit Posts Across #ulog, Since Its Birth A Month Ago! Is In Test Phase! We Can Now Simply Tell Friends To Join Steem To Try#ulogging!!!

Join in and become a ULOGGER today.   

You can use these graphics as comment responses while curation #ulogs as "true fans":

graphics was created by @iwrite and picked from a post of @purpledaisy57

You can get minimalist-design ULOGGER footers like this (below) from @chaelpacia :


I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

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Your Boy Terry @surpassinggoogle 

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