ULOG - How Much Development Has Happened On Ulogs In The Past Months & What Is Ulogs.org Really About?

Brief History & Stats

In a world where cryptokitties, superman, pugs, 'bulls or bears' etc is beginning to garner more 'value' even than humans; in a world modeled to celebrate things like 'brain, talent, luxury' etc; in a world stuck in the cycle of half-humanism and hand-to-mouthism, in a world with a glaring rarity in the great-man/true-celebrity industry; we sought a simple innovation that can surpassing google, create beautiful disruptions and bring about 'real world adjustment' (breakthrough in human) and this simple innovation turned out to be "ULOG"

After 4 months of the inception of '#ulog' here on steemit, more than 5,000 steemians posted on '#ulog', with some 179,000 comments. Then 'https://ulogs.org' began, to create a home for ulogs, the art of ulogging and uloggers.

ULOGS.ORG - A blockchain-based social network platform where everyone can create ULOGS, become "true celebrity" (ULOGGERS), create a community of "true fans" and earn a variety of rewards, the teardrops tokens and the currency called "steem".  

All aspects of the code is open-source. It only has a front-end (React JS) and it started as a fork of busy.org

  • Front-End: https://github.com/surpassinggoogle/UlogsV2


This post announces some of our recent 'development' activities (on ulogs.org alpha version) spanning over the last few months, to keep us abreast with our progress and provide you further insight into the expanse of our vi-mission. 

Ulogs.org constitutes one of three steem-based social network platforms that will make use of the teardrops tokens. It plays out a model designed to 'mine the human' and will reward 'proof of tears' (a slight shift away from steem's 'proof of brain'). This will be explained more elaborately in a Ulogs 'paper' to be published in the near future.

In the past months, we have worked on establishing the framework for core aspects of Ulogs.org right on the UI. Our aim during our 'alpha-stage of development' is to give users, contributing-developers and potential-investors alike, insight into the expanse of our vision whenever they visit 'ulogs.org'. 

Below are some of the major additions to Ulogs.org that happened within the past few months:

1. Our Homepage

Below is a screenshot showing the current display of our homepage (upon login):

As seen above, we have established a new layout for our homepage. This is because we have added new features. While some of the features have a 'coming soon' status (functionality-wise), users can have a measure of insight into our plans for the future. 

In eventuality, we will build a social network platform that contains everything (in terms of features/functions) capable of connecting the world socially but more importantly, one that showcases 'human' in its truest beauty. One of our slogan is: "true celebrity-hood for everyone, once and for all'.

Besides, we want to remove all barriers to entry, when it comes to the 'world of innovation'. Thus, on Ulogs.org, we will create a home for uloggers (true celebrities) and in this particular home, we can build, integrate, refresh and sustain every existing enterprise, innovation, concept, community, niche or hashtag. 

Too, we can removing all barriers to entry when it comes to content-creation & content-curation, making content 'queen'

A ulog thus, is a very-daily affair, 'dynamic' and doesn't reference or resource from the internet. Oblivious to many, it is a conscious effort to 'mine the human' towards its awesomest version.

Our edge is in 'dynamism', while the internet itself is static, we will refresh it each day, filling it with 'fresh pieces of human'.

Looking at the screenshot posted earlier, let us discuss below some of the features added in the past months to the current ulogs.org homepage (upon login):

Left Bar

Marketplace - This aspect of ulogs.org has a 'coming soon' status. It will start out 'simple'; as a place where only 'certified uloggers' can create a 'listing' of items for sale, starting with their very own freshly made creations, which can range from autographs, to signed-shirts, to digital items etc. 

This is an exclusive UI-perk that will be available only to 'certified uloggers', modeled to bring these 'certified' ones to further limelight. 

While each user will be able to interact with the marketplace or post a listing to the steem blockchain etc, they will need to 'get certified' (be on our grey-list of certified uloggers) to have their listings displayed on ulogs.org

Crowdfund - This aspect of ulogs.org will eventually display 'project proposals' etc created by 'certified uloggers' only. Our entire ecosystem is modeled to innovate dynamically on behalf of our 'certified' users in a bid to bring them and their projects to limelight and fruition (true celebrity-hood).

Giveaways - This aspect of ulogs.org will contain a catalog of giveaways for everyone to avail of. Across the ulogs.org ecosystem, there will be giveaways on a daily basis. These giveaways can take different forms. Apart from our own giveaways, 'certified uloggers' will be able to publish 'giveaways' too e.g free-listings, free tokens, free art etc to be displayed on ulogs.org

Right Bar

Ulog-Stories - Allows users to create 'ulogs' drawn from moments within a particular day, 'all fresh'. It is also a display column for such 'ulogs' but only displays ulog-stories from 'certified uloggers', availing them of further limelight.

Again, while everyone can post a ulog-story to the steem blockchain via the ulog-stories post-editor, only ulog-stories from 'certified uloggers' will be displayed on our ulog-stories display-column, creating more 'value' for 'our grey-list of certified uloggers' and bringing 'the certified' to further limelight across our ecosystem.

A ulog in general doesn't reference or resource from the internet. A ulog is a very-daily affair. By means of the ulog-stories segment, we can simplify further the art of ulogging, while maintaining the tenets of a ulog. 

Ulog-Games - This area will eventually display entire PC-games, playable by the entire globe. Ulogs.org intends to put out a ulog-gameapp in the future, that is entirely human-based, featuring real world celebrities (certified uloggers)

We will also incite the innovation of such game-apps (by our certified uloggers) and look to endorse, feature and promote these games on ulog-games

In the near term, however, the ulog-games segment will display posts created by only certified uloggers, that fall under the category of games, contests, game-like activities etc published under the ulog-subtag called, '#ulog-games'.

UloggersTV - This column will pull and display videos created by certified uloggers that have been featured on the UloggersTV YouTube channel.

In the near future, the UloggersTV will create avenues to bring certified uloggers to further limelight. It will also form the framework for an entire game-app, that incites and create globally renown trends for ulogging activities.

Ulog-Exchanges - This will start out simple. It will display 'steem or teardrops' buy/sell orders, from certified uloggers only. In the near term, this display-column will automatically pull and display posts (from the steem blockchain) created by 'certified uloggers' under the ulog-subtag called '#ulog-exchanges'.

In the future, we will implement a mini-exchange using API(s), that will enable easy/quick peer-to-peer exchanges right on ulogs.org

Direct Messaging - This area will eventually enable the direct messaging functionality on 'ulogs.org'. The DM segment will also constitute an exclusive UI-perk available to 'certified uloggers' only, meaning that regular users, who want to avail of all the functionalities of the DM feature, will be prompted to 'get certified'

We are also looking at using this space to create further utility for the teardrops tokens or at least create further 'value' for our 'grey-list of certified uloggers'. 

Users may be able to earn the teardrops tokens and other tokens by using our DM function. To use it this feature to the full however, they will have had to get 'certified'.

2. Our Specialized Editors

On ulogs.org, 'content is queen'

Not only do we value each ulog but ulogging in itself is a very-daily affair. Ulogging also has a 'surpassinggoogle' paradigm, indicating that we will incessantly look to serve the search engines with 'fresh pieces of humans' daily, keeping the once static internet, 'dynamic'

Besides, we intend to refresh every existing tag, enterprise, community or concept by emanating fresh ulogs and ulogacies daily, spanning across every possible niche. This is made possible by means of 'ulog-subtags'.

Thus, apart from the main 'ulog post-editor' and the 'ulog-stories' post-editor mentioned earlier, we have many specialized post-editors across the ulogs.org ecosystem to incentivize and simplify the art of ulogging.

Each ulog-community for instance, will eventually earn its own designated post-editor. (Certified uloggers will be able to start ulog-communities and earn UI-perks as they autonomously grow their ulog-community and one such UI-perk that will be earn-able is a 'specialized post-editor').

While we will discuss all this in clearer details in the near future, you can explore our current list of specialized post-editors by clicking on the 'pen icon' available at the top-right corner of the ulogs.org homepage. 

You will be led to an intuitive portal that will guide you in the process of choosing an appropriate ulog post-editor.

See screenshot below: 

3. Ulog-Communities

We are gradually building ulog-communities. These aren't generic communities and carry the tenets of a ulog. 

The existence of ulog-communities will enable us emanate 'owners' across our ulogs.org ecosystem. (e.g certified uloggers can create ulog-communities and be empowered to grow these communities, with 'ulogs.org' as their ultimate true fan)

It will also helps us refresh every existing tag, enterprise or concept; unite existing steem communities; emanate fresh plagiarism-free content daily in any niche; simplify and restore fun to the art of content-creation and content-curation etc.

At this stage, we have created the template and framework for such communities as you can see in the screenshot below:

As seen on the screenshot above, ulog-communities will have 'overseers'. These ones are certified uloggers, who will be empowered with tools and additional Steem /Teardrops-power (influence) to autonomously grow these spaces. 

Where 'certified uloggers' start up their own ulog-communities and we integrate it into our UI, they will be able to gradually earn UI-perks (e.g banners, specialized editors, admin portals etc) to customize these spaces and become 'owners'

As they establish a solid ulog-community and want to advance onto creating their own steem-based interface, we will be active fan of their journey, referring them to 'brother talents' on 'https://steemgigs.org' and where necessary 'brother programmers' on 'https://macrohard.pro' who can help them in the process of building these dreams, en-route which, we will celebrate and empower this 'breakthrough in human' with the teardrops tokens.

Here is the current list of existing ulog-communites, present on ulogs.org:

4. My Ulogs

User-profiles across ulogs.org now have a separate tab that displays their ulogs labelled 'My Ulogs'. This has many positives and we hope for a time, when even the dictionaries induct the word 'ulog' and every social network platform e.g steem, busy, steempeak etc has a separate tab/feed featuring 'ulogs'.

See screenshot:

5. Ulog-Grow

'https://ulogs.org/grow' is important aspect of ulogs.org that further establishes (on our UI), one of our slogans that says, "you are the celebrity, we are your fans".

On Ulogs.org, it is "true celebrity-hood for everyone, once and for all". We measure our success in terms of 'real human growth'

We want to create more value for 'humans' in a world were cryptokitties, superman, millionaire-cats, human-clones etc is beginning to garner more value than 'humans'. Thus, we will incessantly seek innovative ways of inciting each ulogger to 'mine the human' into its awesomest version

In the future, we will seek to celebrate a world filled with 'true celebrities', using the TearDrops SMT,  'a breakthrough token & emblem of human' that will reward 'proof of  tears', for en-route attaining the awesomest version of human, there  will be many tears, happy, sad or un-fell. 

"We seek to remove 'all barriers to entry' from 'everything  good', so that every(any)one can shine. The world needs more shine!" @surpassinggoogle

See screenshot:

As seen on the screenshot above, we have already built the framework for our 'GROW' page. Various aspects of this page have a 'coming soon' status. However, '4 aspects' of this page are 80-percent complete and allows us to already create some utility for the teardrops tokens.

For instance, would you like to spend some video-time with your favorite steem mentor? See screenshots below:

We look to complete this aspect of ulogs.org i.e the 'GROW' page in the coming weeks. Do well to visit 'https://ulogs.org/grow' to explore its current state. 

Note also, that only 'certified uloggers' can be featured or displayed on any innovation that emanates from the ulogs.org and teardrops SMT ecosystem and this includes our 'GROW' page. You will need some teardrops tokens to avail of some of the services on 'https://ulogs.org/grow', so proceed to get some teardrops tokens here.

6. The 'Certified Uloggers' Algorithm

This is the underlying power of our entire model. The entire teardrops SMT ecosystem in itself, which constitutes of three steem-based social network platforms, namely ulogs.org, steemgigs.org and macrohard.pro is built around a 'grey-list of certified uloggers'

As we tried to reiterate in earlier segments of this post, most of the exclusive UI-perks that will be available across ulogs.org, will be available to 'certified uloggers' only. However, beyond just ulogs.org, the same grey-list of certified uloggers, will constitute 'the certified', also on steemgigs.org and macrohard.pro

Most of the algorithms at the base of ulogs.org are structured to bring 'certified uloggers' to further limelight. We have managed to touch on this earlier but for further clarification, below is some highlights of some other exclusive UI-perks currently available to 'the certified' on ulogs.org:

A certified ulogger badge: 

A 'delegate' button at the bottom of their posts and comments:

'Certified uloggers' who are 'steem witnesses' have a space that promotes them:

We are building a 'u-promote' feature available only to 'the certified' and here is a small glimpse of it:

Do you want to get 'certified' under the teardrops SMT ecosystem? Indicate interest by entering your 'best email' into this google form

Not convinced yet? Read this, to see why you should be interested in getting 'certified'.

The Teardrops SMT

We are gradually integrating the teardrops tokens into ulogs.org and though the wallet hasn't been deployed to ulogs.org just yet, below is some pictorial evidence that, that is nearing completion:

The teardrops tokens will power the ulogs.org ecosystem in conjunction with the 'steem currency'. The teardrops token will be an SMT in the future. This means, that among other utilities, the teardrops tokens will constitute a 'token of influence' on ulogs.org

As seen in earlier segments of the post, ulogs.org will play out a model that 'mines the human' (proof of tears), meaning that besides earning for 'proof of brain', there will be a variety of other ways to earn the teardrops tokens. This will play out more prominently on ulogs.org when the SMT protocol comes to life. 

In the meantime, users of ulogs.org already earn teardrops tokens. This is still via manual curation and in small amounts at this stage and for tangible reasons, one such reason being that, in these early stages, even with regards to the teardrops tokens distribution, our primary focus is 'our grey-list of certified uloggers'.

So, do you want to get 'certified' under the teardrops SMT ecosystem? Indicate interest by entering your 'best email' into this google form

You can get some 50 teardrops tokens here if you haven't or get some on steem-engine here!

Near Future

In our first phase of development, our aim is simply to highlight the expanse of our vision to users, contributing-developers and potential investors alike. 

Ulogs.org is an underlying plot to surpassing google, 'world adjustment' and while this will become evident over time, we are hoping that the current UI and ongoing development establishes our vi-mission further.

We aren't here to replay an existing tech on the steem blockchain, simply in a bid to distribute rewards. We are here to adjust the world. 

To this effect, we intend to explore fully the beauty of the steem blockchain and its community and play out fresh algorithms and this is what we will try to highlight via our UI, even in the near term.

Overall, Ulogs is modeled to 'mine the human' (proof of tears), a slight shift away from 'proof of brain' and this is something we would like to highlight even in the near term and which we have begun to highlight, as we start to integrate the teardrops wallet and the 'certified uloggers algorithm' more solidly into our ecosystem.

Over the course of the coming weeks, we will continue to solidify the existing features of Ulogs and continue to integrate the teardrops tokens into our ecosystem, so that the token can begin to be usable and earn-able, even prior to the SMT functionality.

Support Us

Our witness name is 'steemgigs' to represent; "everyone has something to offer". You can vote for the 'steemgigs' witness to support us. Simply visit https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses and upvote 'steemgigs' or click here to vote via steemconnect.

If you would like to delegate some steem power to '@ulogs', that will be valued too. You can delegate a custom amount of steem power to @ulogs, using this tool.

Too, if you are a developer or anyone who passionately loves the ulogs.org project, you can take on unassigned tasks on our GitHub account.

Where you are interested in contributing code to other project under the teardrops SMT ecosystem e.g 'https://steemgigs.org' and '@macrohard', you can take on unassigned tasks on the SteemGigs GitHub account and send an email to comsilbronze4@gmail.com if you are interested in @macrohard

Finally, if you are a potential advisor and one who can help with directions, suggestions and connections, please join in too by sending an email to comsilbronze4@gmail.com 

To conclude, an inevitable way of supporting the Ulogs project is by using 'https://ulogs.org'. Especially, when ulogging, it is inspirational to us whenever you use 'ulogs.org'. Besides, you can enjoy the entire steem ecosystem directly from ulogs.org

Ulogs is for everyone, so kindly visit it today!

You can get some 50 teardrops tokens here if you haven't or get some on steem-engine here!

Join The Community

Here is a short talk that discussed 'the SteemGigs project' recently, which took place on Utopian's Idea Hub:

We have more than 5,500 steemians in our community. You can join us too by visiting these links:

Discord: https://discord.gg/wWrnSXK

Telegram: https://t.me/teardrops_smt

Twitter: https://twitter.com/steemgigs

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steemgigs/


The teardrops token will also form a token of influence on each of these three steem-based websites; 'https://steemgigs.org', 'https://ulogs.org' and '@macrohard' etc

Besides, staking the teardrops token for influence on these interfaces, these tokens will have many other uses. We will incessantly and dynamically innovate ways for this to be the case. This will be discussed in details when the teardrops SMT colorlesspaper is published.

In the coming days, we will publish a mini 'colorless paper' for the teardrops SMT, covering 'the now'.

The teardrops token is also currently on steem-engine but only a small portion of it was issued and on the steem-engine market, to help us gain insight into the 'dynamics of the tokens on an exchange' and to raise extra funds for development. 

Get some teardrops tokens by visiting the URL below:

https://steem-engine.com/?p=market&t=TEARDROPS (Currently priced at 0.1 steem each)

Get some teardrops tokens here today. Funds raised will go towards the development of https://ulogs.org

Visit Ulogs Today


Your boy Terry


This post was made from https://ulogs.org

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