
About the different terms of priest

From the American author @Denise Dianaty whose novel "The dance plays on" is one of my favorites.

来自美国作家Denise Dianaty的小说《永不消逝的舞蹈》对话录。


Yes, "the Cloth" means the priesthood, usually of the Catholic church. It is a very old colloquial turn of phrase; it's pretty much only used when writing in historical settings as in my book. Back then, there weren't so many Christian denominations. So, using "the Cloth" could still be broadly understood as the career of being a priest.
No one says it that way today.

是的,"the Cloth"指的是教士身份,通常是天主教堂的。这是一个很古老的口语化短语,正像我书里一样,大多数情况下,仅用于有历史背景的写作中。那时并没有太多的基督教派。所以“the Cloth”能被广泛理解为牧师生涯。当然,现在没有人用“the Cloth”这种说法。

The modern vernacular refers to them as priest, pastor, minister, or preacher – depending on the particular denomination's or community's predilections.


It's partly because there are so many denominations, and partly colloquial, and partly due to the particular duties. All priests don't preach, but a "preacher's" job is to deliver sermons from the pulpit… i.e., "to preach;" very often, preachers are not full time and have other careers simultaneously. "Pastor" derives from the concept that the local church leader watches over and cares for his/her church community – they provide "pastoral service" to the parish or congregation and community; this includes things like visiting hospitals, charity outreach, home visits, funeral services, etc. "Priest" is the oldest term, I believe; it is a more generic term covering all the other titles, but can also be monastic and is always male only in Catholicism and orthodox churches. "Minister" is roughly interchangeable with "pastor;" the minister provides ministerial care to his/her congregation.


Again, the choice between "pastor" or "minister" or "preacher" may also be a local colloquial use. But, the terms may also be used interchangeably. My pastor may be referred to as "preacher" by someone else in the same church. I might refer to him/her as "minister" at times. It's kind of fast and loose how the terms are used.

另外,"pastor","minister"或"preacher"也可能是当地口语的因素。总之,它们应该也可以互换。在同一教堂内,我的pastor可能被别人叫做 preacher。有时,我可能叫pastor为minister。这些称谓的使用并没有严格的界限,是灵活松散的。

Author: @DeniseDianaty
Chinese transltor: @kaixin

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