Today in the afternoon I went down to the garden of the building where I live to walk my pet, Kitty, a dog breed yorkshire terrier who is my darling, always looking for ways to spin around in the grass, I saw some small flower buds in pots lila whose name I do not know, but they looked so beautiful in the middle of so much greenery that I took the opportunity to take a picture with my cell phone, while I thought about the message that at that moment I could extract so much beauty to share with you.
Mi cita de hoy:
“Al buscar la luz no olvides que también tienes raíces” :
My appointment today: :
"When searching for light, do not forget that you also have roots":
¿Qué hay detrás de esa cita?
Detrás de esa cita existe toda una historia personal, durante muchos años estuve en la búsqueda del camino espiritual, visite distintos tipos de templos, asistía a muchos cursos y talleres de la nueva era, gran cantidad de libros y videos, buscando encontrarme conmigo. Los años pasaban y sin darme cuenta aunque me sentía muy bien porque de todas esas tradiciones sagradas quedan cosas muy buenas, pero sin darme cuenta estaba dejando de lado la búsqueda de objetivos de vida tangibles como la estabilidad financiera para esa etapa de la vida en la que podamos vivir con comodidad sin el agite de la búsqueda permanente de ingresos para cubrir mis necesidades.
Un matero, varios brotes de flores, la lluvia, el sol, las manos que las riegan son un gran maestro, en lo simple esta lo hermoso, lo tangible y lo intangible. Puedes buscar luz para tu vida, sin olvidar que los pies están para pisar la tierra y recordarnos que debemos llevar una vida con balance.
What is behind that appointment?
Behind that appointment there is a whole personal history, for many years I was in search of the spiritual path, I visited different types of temples, I attended many courses and workshops of the new era, lots of books and videos, looking for me. Years went by and without realizing it, although I felt very good because of all those sacred traditions there are very good things, but without realizing it I was leaving aside the search for tangible life goals such as financial stability for that stage of life in the that we can live comfortably without the agitation of the permanent search for income to cover my needs.
A container , several buds of flowers, the rain, the sun, the hands that water them are a great teacher, in the simple is the beautiful, the tangible and the intangible. You can look for light for your life, without forgetting that the feet are to tread the earth and remind us that we must lead a balanced life.
Fotografía / photography: Smartphone Samsung J7
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