Dear Diary: Health Update: My Calorie Intake In The Next Level

My Protein Drink
My Phosphate Binder
This should help me gain weight.
This will help me cure my hyperparathyroidism.

I upped the ante regarding my health maintenance and decided a few days ago to give my body some extra calories and the reason for that is my inability to eat correctly so I am now taking protein drink which I plan to pair with eggs and or fruits and a regular meal if I can eat so that I can fatten up and solve my calorie deficit once and for all.

I would also procure myself a phosphate binder so that I could lower my phosphorus in my system and I know that it will have a positive impact on my hyperparathyroidism issue as I know that the cause of it is my chronic high phosphorus in my body as cutting the root is one way to overcome my hyperparathyroid pump issue.


Its in expensive affair because the protein drink powder and the phosphate binder are expensive but the good news is that good people here at steemit are behind my back on my quest to pull myself out from my seemingly impossible problem. But I am persevering to finish my goals not only for my self but also for my parents in the process.

None of these things would happen without the help of steemit community so I am thanking my friends here because you yourselves are a life-saver, a life-giver, you are making me born myself again to change from an ugly caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly in terms of making me feel much better both in my physical strength and my thoughts. May God bless you and keep you all. God Bless steemit.

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