C-21 Overturned.. We Get to Keep Our Hunting Rifles! However C-11 Passed.. So the Great Firewall of Canada is Coming Soon. FML

( a picture I stole from google showing the upside down Canadian flag, a signal of distress )

Canada under the liberal government has been a shit show for lack of a better term. Turdeau and his cronies have been actively pursuing bills in parliament in order to crack down on liberties and freedoms Canadians once enjoyed. Recently a complete ban on handguns passed, targeting legal handgun ownership and effectively banning the sale of ne handguns in Canada. Given that the majority of gun crime up here is done with illegally obtained handguns, the effect of this handgun ban only hurts the good people who would like to own these, and effectively does nothing for the supply of criminal / unregistered weapons. Given it's trivial to build these things, the federal government is targeting the wrong demographics..

Then the house tried to pass C-21.. Which if passed would have banned even more weapons, mostly ones used by the hunters of the north. Now for a city slicker living hundreds or thousands of miles away from wilderness, there is very little effect on them.. But for those who live in rural areas and enjoy hunting it would have been incredibly disruptive. there is a massive divide in lifestyle and geographic location between those trying to pass these draconian bills and those who live in places where hunting is an activity that provides nutrition and protection from wilderness that frankly can be dangerous as hell.. Luckily the C-21 bill was overturned after massive outrage from the hunting community and thousands of letters written in to those in parliament trying to make decisions for people that frankly do not need to be told what they can and cannot own firearms wise..

On the coat tails of the C-21 being overturned win a perhaps even more insidious bill passed, effectively beginning the momentum towards our own "Great Firewall of China" type thing.


Bill C-11 passed in the same session that C-21 was shot down. With this C-11 bill passing a number of highly disturbing examples of overreach on what Canadians can access on the internet or what media they will be privy to has arisen. Not only is this not necessary but it's down right fucked. The C-11 bill was floated as a means to Direct Canadians towards more Canadian made content, but like any bill the liberal government passes it came with even greater complications and control mechanisms to allow them to effectively legally start dictating what folks in the great whit north have access to. Who the hell do these people think they are to determine what people have access to? The whole thing is a crazy breech of sovereignty of individuals in Canada and will only lead to more and more blatant government overreach.

Countries always try to disarm their populations before committing atrocity.. And the monitoring and policing of internet content which citizens can gain access to is straight out of the Nazi propaganda handbook.. While I hate to doom call or think the worst, the trajectory this country is headed on is blatantly wrong.. When the few who are absolutely disconnected with the lives of people in this country begin making rules and laws the masses must abide by, while exhibiting complete and absolute ignorance on the cause and effect they are trying to modify, things will always go wrong and become draconian.

This country is completely fucked if we allow the libtard government to dictate what we can do, what we can watch, what we can own and what is acceptable or not. 'Absolute power corrupts absolutely' comes to mind after watching the world go to shit with Canada being in the top 3 countries recently to be trying to push shady laws and other bullshit onto the people of this country.

I used to be proud to be Canadian, now I feel our whole country is a massive disgrace on the world stage. It's sad to see the country I grew up in die and no longer be recognizable.

Canada is Dead, Long Live Canada


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