Truth be told

If I want to write about some things that truly matter to me, I might as well make it clear that many of the discussions and stories to be expressed here and on other pages under any of my alias are nothing but imagination and fiction noted down for the future fantasy book.

Normally, this type of disclaimer is enough to confirm that one is simply a writer, a dreamer, a geek creator of alternative realities and theories that have very little to do with real life. It’s done to make sure that everyone is safe from themselves and from the system.

Those of us who are conscious and mature enough will definitely be able to sort out reality from fiction (with a little bit of digging, intuition, and connecting the puzzle pieces). They will also get all the things in between — but only if they have managed to keep alive their inner child with his awe of life, bursting energy, and purity of the heart.

Purity of the heart might be the most important one here. • ~

The world works in bizarre ways. Or maybe God walks in mysterious ways? Whichever suits you better. I don’t know if you are aware of this, but people, organizations, entities, and systems endowed with power (which corrupts most of them to a certain degree) are kind of required to reveal all kids of information to the public. I am not sure what kind of rule or law governs this phenomenon, but, paradoxically, common people are constantly shown pieces of information which reveal things that exist and things that are yet to come (unless the plans change or we change them?). These things are supposed to be covert, secret, and reserved only for the select few, yet they are shown to us on the daily basis.

It’s a topic of a completely different (and long) conversation. Right now I am mentioning it only to make a comparison. All these big, powerful systems are required to reveal lots of information to the common folk, but they can choose how to do it and in which form, often making the info open but appearing to be unreal, ridiculous, fantasy-like. Technically, the conditions are met.
This way everyone sort of knows everything, but no one gives a f*ck. People either don’t take it seriously or get numbed by it so much that it becomes just something that exists “out there”, beyond our full understanding or control. Yeah, kind of like God who moves in mysterious ways, but it’s not like the believers will question or try to examine or change God. The System is required to do something (reveal some information), and it does it, but in such a way where it’s always safe from repercussions that would follow should it break someone’s rules. Whose rules? I don’t know. And those who know probably won’t tell. And if they do tell, we probably won’t yet grasp it due to our underdeveloped awareness and mind.

Is this bad? I mean this manipulation of information disclosure. I don’t know. I see that it’s rather clever, and I fully understand why some entity or organization would want to employ this type of technique. Personally, I don’t like it because I want to live in the world of beauty and clarity, but we are a bit far from that for now.

The same technique of revealing information but staying safe applies to those of us who want to dig deeper and speak about things that shouldn’t really be spoken about.
If you really want to say something that matters to you, but might get you in trouble, make a disclaimer. Present yourself like the crazy lunatic you are, someone who imagines stuff and attempts to write fiction notes.

Before you think that this is a cowardly way of doing things, I’ll say the following: there are many important things that can be said very directly. But then there are other specific things (and you get a feel for it when dealing with them) that just can’t be revealed in the same straightforward way. People who have tried have been banned or cancelled in the best case scenario. I’m sure you know what happens in the worst. But then again, maybe I am connecting totally random dots and making them into something I want to see. Maybe I am that Professor Trelawney, I just need more jewelry, “crazy hair”, and an increased intake or red wine.

Yesterday something related to all this came up in the conversation with my partner, with whom I share the eagerness to discover all the mysteries of the world. We spoke about how some things are shown or said in the works of fiction. Lots of anime series, for instance, show how things work in the world — but not the obvious things we see on the daily basis in real life. The same goes for everything out there — films, books, series, ancient scrolls, myths, all world religions, science, fairy tales, urban legends, blabbering stuff we hear from the psychologically unwell and psychotic drug addicts, the “imagination” of kids who talk of invisible friends and monsters under the bed…

Note that I never said to believe everything. If you choose to believe a schizophrenic lady on the corner self-medicating with who knows what, that’s on you.

We must learn both how to find pieces of the puzzle AND to safely reveal the ones we have while staying almost invisible and “adequate” in the eyes of the System, which is of course just a product of my vivid imagination in the world where everything is banal and absolutely normal.

My pic, Catholic church in the neighborhood

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