Facebook is auto deleting posts

Facebook is auto deleting posts

Facebook is auto deleting posts

So as I wrote this article about the fact that Facebook is auto deleting posts. I also started to notice other things happening on facebook, so it doesn't stop there.

I noticed that tons of groups had their settings set to approve all posts.

Sure many groups do that, but 98% of them??? No, I don't think so. Also, many of the group admins were NOT approving my posts, and any VA (virtual assistant) I hired had the same issues, so it wasn't just me.

Plus not ONE admin I private messaged to tell them this issue responded back.

I can't even get a cleaning lady, and now I think that a lot of the profiles and many of the groups are all evil AI owned and controlled.

Then I noticed that facebook was doing the following:

  1. I'm being approved for several groups all at once. You know, the ones that need to approve you. The amount of groups that now had to approve me has increased. I noticed that.

    If someone has to approve EVERYTHING you do in life, that's just another example of CONTROL just like the MAFIA GOVERNMENT. Soon it will be ALL WEBSITES, mark my words.

    AND they will use your toxic cell or mobile phone that harms and enslaves you just like all money transfer sites since 2023 won't allow me to transfer money for 2 reasons.

    I have been trying to call Transfer Wise (now just Wise) since Friday December 8, 2023 and they are closed. There's no ticket system to message them and their email no longer works, plus no live chat. I just went through their SLAVE verification process 3 months ago after fighting with them for months (they had already verified me years ago), and I went to send someone money and I can't. It's asking me to slave verify myself again and it won't accept my picture.

    Just the time wasted to do this because for me at least, it never accepts the pic of my ID the first time around nor my face. And then to put the toxic mobile phone upto your face is very toxic to your brain and especially your cranium.

    Playlist, link and link.

    When you do as you are told like a good little boy or girl, you are consenting to your SLAVERY.

  2. In one day I got tons of notifications that groups were approving my posts. I don't mean 2 or 3, there must have been 8-9 groups that did this. And I had no other facebook notifications in between them, so it had to be done with the click of a button or was on a timer to approve them all at once. I needed them to be approved right away or the day after, not days or weeks later.

    Bottom line, there's no way that that many different independent facebook group owners all approved my post at the same time and while a Mexican may own 2 or 3 facebook groups, I highly doubt they own close to 10.

  3. Then yesterday, December 07, 2023, I got invited to take over as an admin for a facebook group I belong to. There were around 7 other facebook group invites. I only accepted one, and there was tons of porn in there.

    I'm adding this in here just to show you how brainwashed and controlled people are in the so called AWAKE COMMUNITY. DISGUSTING!

    The group isn't educated enough for me. They still worship trumpet which means they still worship the mafia government and I won't be able to unbrainwash them because they adore their evil trumpet and that X2 channel (I think it is) who is controlled opposition.

    I already disliked the X2 channel when I came across them years ago because they were pushing trumpet. Hmm, I just realized that evil collective elon musk renamed twitter to X. Does anyone know what X refers to?

    If you want my links about trumpet, just contact me. I don't have time to add them all into this article.

  4. Facebook is removing people from groups. In the group I decided to become an admin for, his personal PROFILE is GONE. Sure he could have deleted his account, but why wouldn't he tell his group?
  5. Because it's so important, I wanted to get this article out last week before I even moved, and wasn't able to.

    Anyway, back to the matter at hand... FACEBOOK is now changing and severely enslaving everyone on it BIG TIME.

    Please, I would ask anyone who's still on facebook in the US or Canada, to test posting in groups, but you HAVE to click on the 3 dots to edit, to then see if your post is still alive and then also check it a few hours and a day later.

    If the only groups you belong to are awake groups or health groups, I'm not sure they are doing that there, but some of my comments with video links have been shadow banned a few times in a Natural Law group, and I know the admin isn't behind it.

    The facebook groups I am in were not in the US, so that's why I need a few people to test it in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, etc. Thanks

    I was in tons of different house rental groups for a specific city (3 different cities actually, but many many groups within those 3 cities), job groups for a certain city (2), and even groups for work from home jobs in Spanish, so those groups are catering to all of Latin America, not just Mexico which is where I am.

    Now what do these 2 types of groups have in common??? YOU NEED THEM TO LIVE.

    I need to hire people and people need a job, and I need to find a house to live in and FACEBOOK IS BLOCKING me from doing so. They are stopping the FREE MARKET. Do you understand that? Well technically it's never free because of the evils, and pretty much the entire world is a MONOPLY of the evils, but at least we could do things online before.

    Where do you go to look for everything you need in life? THE INTERNET.

    Who controls the internet? THE EVILS.

    If and when the evils decide to shut us down which I've been hearing about since 2020 but it never happened, you won't be able to exchange services with others.

    How do companies advertise? Mainly through the Internet.

    I'm not even sure there's a Yellow Pages book sent out once a year anymore. I haven't been in North America for a while now. Is there?

    I remember talking to Yellow pages years ago and they said you have to advertise online.

    The shutting down will probably start on a case-by-case basis and I already know back in 2022 they were blocking one awake woman from seeing webpages. This was in Toronto, Ontario Canada.

    Remember, the evils own EVERYTHING including the toxic ISP (internet service provider) companies.

    EVERYTHING is tied to the Internet.

    More than you probably know. Your utilities and your city and locked in to the Internet.

    If you live in a 3rd world country and especially if you need other expats to help you, that's VERY dangerous, because they only use facebook. But where do people who aren't on facebook go? Craigs list I guess, and did anyone buy out Craigs List in the last 5+ years? Most 3rd world countries don't even know what that is. And I can't afford to post job ads for $25 a pop. I don't have that kind of money.

    See how there's NO SELECTION options online like there used to be?

    Sure there are tons of groups and forums out there, but how many people are on it? Billions are on facebook.

    Here's a good one (used to be much better years ago) if you are in the states, but they aren't awake there. I got pissed off at one woman when she messaged me privately after bullying me in public because I spoke just a tiny bit about the Truth. Zombies always think they know everything because of their BS degrees. Sorry for any Truthers out there who have a degree LOL

    Just like with pedo walmart, these HUGE corporations are ALL owned by the evils including pieces of shit social media, took over the internet. Amazon anyone??? Video.

    I'm sure facebook is also shutting things down or maybe just making it so you can't do ANYTHING on it as they help to destroy the economy and our lives.

    My guess is that they intend to lock everyone down on or from FACEBOOK in 2024.

    I just noticed recently on my cell phone (I rarely ever use facebook on my cell unless I'm in a rush and am trying to talk to someone I need from there) that now I have to set up a PIN, otherwise I can't see my private messages. That must be new in the last 2-4 months.

    Yes other sites are ramping up the DIGITAL PRISON, but I'm just talking about facebook now.

    I don't even know where else to find people I need to hire or to find a house for rent. Anything off of facebook is too expensive usually.

    So here's what else happened and yes I am under attack by the evils. I've been under attack since around October 22, 2022, because NOTHING has gone right for me.

    Yes Mexico is a terrible country for me, so that's part of it, but with so many issues I'm having even with other things, I still believe the evils put up blocks with every step I took. They are masters at black magic.

    Anyway, I needed to find a house fast because I just learned 2 months ago that the evils just increased the prices for house and apartment rentals where I lived. Then I also learned that they created SLAVE DEMANDS in order for people to rent a house.

    That means, whatever was needed before to rent a house, now the demands are CLEARLY tyrannical and this means most people won't be able to rent a house or LIVE.

    Yes I know that all of the house rental prices have gone up in MANY countries. If you know the percentage in your city or state, I need that please.

    Please, wherever you live, please contact me to tell me how things are in your city, state/province or country so I can take note of the data. You have to have been looking for (or know someone else who is) a house or apartment to rent right now, and you or they would have to know how much rental prices were, let's say at the beginning or middle of 2023.

    If nothing has changed, that's also data I need, so please send me your information. Thank you

    I was freaking out because I had to hire people to help me look for a house and do other things, and couldn't. And I also couldn't find a house to rent ALL because of evil facebook. The ONLY thing that was working was marketplace which I normally never use.

    In fact, just today or yesterday a facebook group approved my job post in a city I wanted to move to and of course it was already too late. I had started to look elsewhere for a house. And a person who responded to my hiring ad lost work and money.

    It's very clear to me (as a Truther) that this is ALL pre-planned.

    As I already mentioned, billions of people worldwide use nazi facebook for everything from finding jobs, finding staff, finding companies, finding houses or apartments to rent, they even go to facebook to find out what's happening in their city.

    We already know that the evils started using facebook to censor the Truth and that was even before the war started in March 2020, but it ramped up BIG TIME after March 2020.

    Tons of people have been put into facebook jail just for either speaking the Truth, or having an opinion the evils don't want others to see/read.

    This has NOTHING to do with their BS policy as so many evil worshipers cite as the reason for WHY the person's post or comment was deleted from facebook.


    The evils got the world addicted to facebook for a reason. Do you really think it was a coincidence? If you haven't already seen it, here's a clip about how the so called "founders" of facebook made it addictive. Yeh no, I don't believe they were the "founders," but we do know they made it addictive. Why they came on cam to say that is beyond me. I'll assume the evils want to see if people would leave evil facebok if they knew it was dangerous. AND THE MAJORITY DIDN'T.

    This is why I always say that we are definitely 35% responsible for our slavery.

    And then once you are addicted, TRY taking that addiction away from an addict. YOU CAN'T. Note: this addiction isn't just about facebook. People are addicted to Twitter (no I'm not calling it X), Telegram, MeWe, and the odd other social media site out there that we don't know about.

    Now the evils' AGENDA to censor EVERYONE who isn't a ZOMBIE has intensified.

    How many times have my comments to someone else's post been put in pending status?

    The ONLY explanation is that the evils want us to be stuck with NO Place to go for all of the above that I mentioned, but I'm sure there's more that I'm not thinking about yet. I'll keep you posted as more develops.

    People say facebook has moderators that are both human and AI and I say BS. It's ALL AI.

    Again, I want to be clear that my posts to hire freelancers had NOTHING to do with the Truth.

    I really don't think hiring a cleaning lady is against EVIL FACEBOOKS' BS SLAVE POLICIES.

    I don't think me looking for a house to rent goes AGAINST EVIL FACEBOOKS' BS SLAVE POLICIES. But if you do think that, please PLEASE take 10 more death jabs.

    I'm so sick of the braindead sub humans who walk this earth.

    I found this thread from Quroa about how others are also seeing that their posts are being auto deleted and this was from back in 2019 which is when it looks like it started. That's very very close to the start of WWIII. I didn't know.

    No one ELSE is talking about this.

    I have also noticed recently that even if my posts aren't pending because the admin has to approve them, I get a message from the evil AI saying that "some" posts have to be auto approved. Then it looks like my post has gone through, but it hasn't. Here's a screenshot.

    FACEBOOK IS BLOCKING OUR POSTS, it's that simple. Here's my other article on how it was ruining my life.

    This is off topic, but still in the same realm of them CONTROLLING US, so I'll throw it in here and then maybe start a new article if I get more information or examples.

    Speed bumps have become a major problem (I assume WORLDWIDE) in what, the last 10-15 years?

    You think this is for our safety???

    I HATE speed bumps not just because they are annoying and we lose time because of them, but they can hurt sometimes, and I can imagine the wear and tear on the driver's car.

    I had just been thinking about how they must have been pre-planned the speed bumps because I moved to this new city and state, and saw different types of speed bumbs there, and it just dawned on me that this was all intentional.

    Remember the roundabouts that drive me INSANE back in 2009 in Canada?

    I heard there were TONS of them in the UK and they were started in England.

    This is ALL about training the rats/slaves to move at a certain slow speed (ever met a slow Warrior???) and be followers. Everyone has to follow the next car at the same speed otherwise they won't get over the speed bump.

    Just like the rats run around their treadmill in a circle, so do WE with the INSANE roundabouts.

    This is HUGE mind control.

    The only way to win this war is with US!

    People can shirk their responsibility in all of this which is just cowardice, but every day you can always choose to REALLY wake UP to Help Save Yourself, Humanity, and our Mother Earth.

    Truth, Spirituality (nothing to do with the psyop known a religion), shedding your childhood trauma, becoming a mature adult, and then taking responsibility for yourself HAS to be done.

    I know it's hard because the evils control us, but it HAS to be done. If we all start to do it, this war WILL BE OVER. We have the POWER to stop them, but you have to play your part.

    The key is learning who you are with everything else stripped away. Truly look in the mirror.

    Learn how to love and respect yourself and then help others. If we all help one another, that's sharing the workload.

    Build alternative communities based on FREEDOM and Truth. Do it together outside of the evils' mafia governments. It's the ONLY way.


    It's our negative energy they feed off of. So long as we aren't United and Strong, they can control us. We need to be United and Strong and NOT just accept what is going on. This is NOT a movie!!!

    Both parts have to be done AND people have to STOP WORSHIPING MONEY.

    The evils use money as a WEAPON. Money shouldn't be used to judge others by their WORTH. Anyone who thinks this way is controlled by the evils and is harming Humanity. Yes we need it in THEIR system, so that's why you need to break FREE from their evil MATRIX.

    This war can ONLY BE WON BY US, not some deity or Human. That's where the psyop religion comes in - SALVATIONISM.

    They want you to NEVER grow up and fight them. They want you waiting for someone ELSE to save you so they have free reign to kill us.

    Here's my alternative therapy page. I hope you read and bookmark it. https://ourfreesociety.com/alternative-therapy-courses/

    There's NO SHAME in admitting you have issues. WE ALL DO.

    It's when you don't care and don't work to rid yourself of them (this doesn't happen overnight, it's a work in progress) that I have a problem with that because you refusing to not do the work affects ALL of us, not just YOU.

    With tough Love


    Our Free Society
    I hope you learned something.

    Never make Authority your Truth... make Truth your Authority

    The definition of insanity is blind obedience.

    Culture teaches us that only the police have the right to defend.

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    Posted from my blog with Exxp : https://ourfreesociety.com/facebook-is-auto-deleting-posts/

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