Strange World: The Twist of the Tongue


Disney's Strange World is a dazzling 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea-inspired animated adventure feature that evokes strong feelings in youth today. It is chock full of templates for behavior and dress for both parents and children alike. "This is how you be people in Wokerica, or else."

When the main character clumsily confesses his crush, his grandfather -- without shock or dismay at the absurdity of an abnormal lifestyle choice -- proceeds to give him pep talk on winning over the "fella". He doesn't even mention how he is sad he won't have grandchildren, as would be expected of the generation he represents.

Dodged that one, Disney, didn't you?

Erstwhile, the leanest, weaned-looking character -- the father figure of the boy (who is dark skinned, while his father is white skinned) -- battles with the "new ways" of today's youth, and eventually admits his fault for not accepting the 9000 new genders that existed since the dawn of time.

-- It is thanks to those genders existing that we were able to propagate all this time as a human species, right?

"The world keeps changing. And it continues to change." Is a direct quote, as it suggests changing with the world is the way to get along. "Being open" is what will help us get to the future we want, Disney states.

(As a side note, Encanto is another military industrial animated feature which revolves around the new approved template identities for human beings. The other feature I recall is about an Italian boy who becomes enthralled with being a homosexual with allegories of classic scooters used to encapsulate the siren song).

Long gone are the 50's era films encouraging youth to be respectful -- anything goes is nature, and natural! While the effective species on earth continue to reproduce largely by male and female pair bonding, the human species has evolved its knowledge to such a degree, they can reproduce by sheer will power and through its frequent use of gender flag banners, gender parades and gender acceptance.


Admittedly, the need to find meaning and someone to tell you how to live has never been stronger due to truly world changing events in recent decades. Some of us have seen massive upheaval with Trump's election during the Hillary days. We have see Snowden's leaks on spying, leaks on drone bombings of children and families in the mid east by the Obama administration, and so many hurtful truths have been spoken - it is easy to see why one would want to recoil into a dark, damp place and look for some whispering oracle to give you flags, phrases and ways of speaking and ways of being and ways of existing.

Uprisings, BLM movement, trans movements and more are sweeping all the corners of the earth and more flags are being display than ever before on people's lawns - to passively let neighbors know their place in the new order. The new generation of youth is easy prey to the changing times, they have no foundation and no future whatsoever. They have no financial savings to speak of. They have no homes or have to bunk up (thanks IMF, inflation and restriction free rent increases!).

Elevated further to greater anxiety, the COVID lockdowns have left many young people unschooled and left to Discord, Tumblr, Imgur, Reddit subs, Tik Tok day diaries, and other pools and online communities, partitioned from real people and individuated thinking.

The result is a constant AI-driven feedback loop where counter intelligence officers publish dumps and Tumblr staff in cooperation with government press down food into the proverbial duck's throat. But this foie de gras is not to be eaten until it has matured into the raucous crowd it must become.

-- Until Gomorrah's days are fulfilled, the movements must grow bigger, more anarchic and anti-human. The fact remains, you need male and female to reproduce the species -- and human species has matured to its end already: it seeks annihilation from the natural and innate order encoded in the flesh and spirit.


There is a strong lean in many popular sit coms to avoid having children, avoid marrying, avoid long term commitment and to generally embrace pursuits of personal pleasure -- the society of necessity and labor has largely been expunged. Fact is, many are out of work or frequently out of work -- yet somehow some are getting by.

The main purpose of this bunch is to be fed inordinate amounts of butter. Good sounding phrases and constant pleasures for the eyes and ears. Discipline has long left the dining area.

The watchful gaze of Disney's masters looks over the herds as they consume, consume and consume. The delight of Disney and the think tanks is so vast and fat with sound.

The preparation and great effort of these organized and well funded groups toward their perverse premise would impress Caligula if the dish were so prepared for his pleasure.


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