The Failed Trump Assassination Attempt is the Ultimate MAGA Vibe Shift


Following the July 13 failed assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump, the MAGA endorsements are rolling in from people you never would have expected, including myself. I was already leaning towards voting for Trump after that absurd kangaroo court show trial and conviction, the charges of which were purely politically motivated by Democrats, just so they could label the Republican presidential candidate "a felon." I am currently registered with the Libertarian Party, but the LP nominated a woke candidate this year, eliminating that choice. My only other consideration for prez was RFK Jr. But mainly, I was waiting for Trump's vice president selection to ensure he didn't choose some neocon like Nikki Haley. But the assassination attempt sealed it. No matter the VP, Trump has my vote in 2024. [Edit: I am extremely pleased it is J.D. Vance (someone who has actually read Curtis Yarvin). By not choosing an establishment neocon hack, it proves Trump has learned a thing or two since 2016.]

The third time is the charm, I suppose. I didn't vote for Trump the first two opportunities I had to do so. In 2016 I was an apolitical NPC shitlib brainwashed by the mainstream media to believe Trump was all the bad things they said he was, so I voted for Hillary Clinton. Election night 2016 is when I had my political awakening. I soon discovered libertarianism and became red-pilled on the corporate media and their lies. In 2020 I no longer had Trump Derangement Syndrome--I didn't hate Trump--but I didn't vote for him either. Because of my libertarian principles, I couldn't bring myself to vote for him after the insane money printing he did during COVID, plus his failure to drain the swamp as he said he would. So I voted for the Libertarian candidate (I don't even remember her name), knowing my vote wouldn't count in my state anyway. (If I was in a swing state I would have begrudgingly voted Trump.)

But after what's transpired since that time, those libertarian principles seem awfully petty. I think Trump himself has learned a lot more since then as well. Between his house being raided, getting convicted on "trumped up" charges, then someone literally trying to blow his head off, Trump might actually follow through in his draining of the DC swamp. The Vance VP pick confirms this. In his second term, Trump may seriously do something about this corrupt deep state that clearly wants him dead.

At this point, it's too early to know if there was any direct Deep State or CIA involvement in the assassination. If the shooter was some MKUltra stooge, or if the Secret Service was purposely ordered to stand down or ignore certain security measures (as they were on Jan 6). It is certainly at least partially to blame on DEI (Diversity Equity & Inclusion) policies, which put unqualified people in vital positions just because of their race and gender. But regardless of any greater conspiracy, the deep state is still at fault indirectly for the assassination attempt.

It is the deep state's non-stop rhetorical war on Trump over these past eight years that has caused this. Routinely comparing him to Hitler, calling him a fascist, authoritarian, and white supremacist, that if he wins it will "end democracy," and he will become a dictator. These delusional inflammatory claims were repeatedly hammered by the media for years, gaslighting the American public into a severe case of TDS. Such rhetoric made it so that assassinating Trump might seem like a logical and heroic thing to do to a mind that has been warped by their propaganda: "We must kill the other electoral candidate to 'save democracy.'" This is pure insanity of course, yet it is the logical conclusion of their insane rhetoric.

Media rhetoric aside, there was the "very fine people" hoax to frame him as a neo-Nazi, the fake Russia collusion hoax to frame him as a traitor, the Jan. 6 false flag psyop with guided tours through the Capitol building to frame him as an "insurrectionist", two impeachments to frame him as "corrupt" and say he's the only president to be impeached twice, the raiding of his home for nothing, then orchestrating a ridiculous show trial and bogus conviction to frame him as a "felon." They tried to frame Trump as a traitor, insurrectionist, and corrupt criminal, which would also justify assassinating him to keep him out of the White House.

If you don't like Trump and disagree with his policies, that's fine--don't vote for him. But these maniacs within the deep state going to such (illegal) extremes to attack Trump are insane and need to be stopped. They are literally doing the precise things they delusionally fear Trump might do.

Ten months ago I wrote a piece in which I stated that if the deep state feels this threatened by Trump, if they would go to such extremes to stop him, then they either have extreme TDS or they believe Trump will pose a legitimate threat to the deep state in a second term--meaning they know Trump has learned a thing or two and might actually do something to curtail their power. Many midwits in the media fall under category 1: they simply have severe TDS. Trump has been living rent-free in their minds for a near-decade, driving them to utter madness. They think Trump2.0 will throw journalists in prison, which is absurd.

But then there is category 2: the people at the heads of institutions in the military, State Department, Homeland Security, FBI, CIA and other 3-letter agencies. These people are not dumb. As President, Trump actually could remove them from their positions of power and end the gravy train of easy money they're stealing from the American people through the Federal Reserve printer and taxpayers' pockets. So the fact that these government agencies were attacking Trump proved it wasn't merely TDS. The swamp creatures in the deep state know Trump2.0 will drain them of their power.

What the corporate media, FBI/CIA/DHS/ETC, and the Democratic Party have done to Trump is an absolute disgrace. It led to this moment which, by the grace of God, didn't end in an actual assassination. Assuming Trump lives to election day--and I pray that he does--he will have my full endorsement. This is the ultimate "vibe shift" moment: MAGA is going mainstream. Elon Musk, the All In podcast guys, other Silicon Valley VCs, Jake and Logan Paul, Russell Brand, Amber Rose, and countless other high-profile people (who are not traditional conservatives and who never would have done so before) are coming out publicly in support of Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if Joe Rogan and similar centrist types eventually do the same.

I really can't say I regret not voting for Trump the last two times (though I do highly regret voting for Hilary). But in addition to me changing for the better since 2016, so has Trump. Ironically, if Trump won in 2020, it likely would have just been more of the same half-measures, with the deep state still firmly in control. Trump needed all the subsequent deep state attacks on him since then to truly understand how corrupt the deep state is, and recognize true friend from enemy. Trump was never the threat the deep state feared he was--but through their ceaseless attacks on him, they just may have forged Trump into becoming a true American Caesar.

I always suspected Trump was more mouth than balls. He talked a big game, but when push came to shove he wouldn't back it up. And perhaps in the past that was true. He backed down to the deep state on multiple occasions while in office. However, when he raised a fist in the air, shouting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" after getting shot in the head and nearly dying (and possibly still at risk of being shot again), he proved that he was the real deal. Trump displayed supreme courage under literal fire. As a result of his bravery, many previously silent Trump supporters are coming out of the closet. As role models like Elon Musk do this, many more will follow. Supporting Trump can be mainstream now, even on the center-left where it was previously forbidden. This will be a monumental game-changer in shifting the vibes of the entire culture toward the right (which is actually just back toward the center).

I hope that this near-scare on the former (and future) president's life will wake up many more Americans to have second thoughts about their inflammatory rhetoric towards political opponents. Take a look in the mirror and consider: am I helping or hurting? Hopefully some of them, including all libertarians, will join me and Elon Musk and many others who didn't vote for Trump the last two times and realize there is no other choice now--no matter who the DNC may slip onto the ballot in place of Biden. Is Trump perfect? No. Do I still have some policy issues with him? Yes. But enough is enough. There is no one else better suited to fight this behemoth of a machine that has corrupted our government and institutions. DEI will make us all DIE. It is time to join the Trump Train and derail this psychotic deep state before they destroy the entire country.

Unlike the Left, I am not calling for violence against those people. Trump became famous for his catchphrase on The Apprentice: "You're fired." And that is exactly what he needs to do. Fire these corrupt people from the government and strip them of their power. As Yarvin said, give them generous pensions, I don't care, just get them the hell away from the levers of power. Abolish these federal agencies that are rotten to their core. Drain the swamp and make America great again.

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