In an extraordinary defense of his mental stability, Trump declares himself "a genius"


The president reacted on Twitter to the reports that the book 'Fire and Fury' has unleashed about the doubts that the own White House team has about their mental capacity.

President Donald Trump defended his mental stability this Saturday in a series of tweets amid the controversy caused by a new book that alleges that several members of his team consider that the president "is like a child" who needs "immediate gratification" .

In a brief appearance at Camp David, where he meets with the Republican leadership, he said that the book 'Fire and Fury' is a "work of fiction" and that defamation laws are too weak to present a demand

"It's a disgrace that they can do something like that," Trump said, adding that if the laws were stronger, "something like that would not happen."

Continuing with the defense of his mental stability, Trump indicated that he went to the best universities. "I was an excellent student, I graduated and made billions of dollars, I became one of the best entrepreneurs, I went to television and for 10 years I had tremendous success, as you probably heard, I ran for president once And now I listen to this guy who does not know anything, by the way, he did not interview me, he says he interviewed me for three hours in the White House, it did not happen, it's in his imagination, "Trump said when referring to the author of the book , Michael Wolff.

Early in the morning, Trump sent messages on Twitter denying having mental capacity problems and claiming that his intelligence is one of his greatest virtues.

"I went from being a very successful businessman to being a great television star to being president of the United States (in my first attempt) .I think that counts as being not only intelligent but a genius ... and a very stable genius! ", he noted in his Twitter account.

The president's tweets respond, among other things, to the publication of the book in which journalist Michael Wolff details what he saw after gaining access to the White House for almost a year.

Fragments of the book that have appeared in the press show how several members of the White House team see Trump as a "child" who needs "immediate gratification".

For example, the book quotes the ex-adviser Sam Nunberg, who tried to educate Trump about the US Constitution: "I got to the Fourth Amendment before he started to pull his lip with his finger and his eyes were lost in the from behind his head. "

Although the book would go on the market on January 9, Wolff published it early last Friday after the president and his lawyers sent him a letter with the threat of suing him and avoiding publication.

The White House alleges that the book is full of falsehoods. This week the president attacked Wolff in networks, whom he described as "a complete loser who invented stories to sell his really boring and fake book."

In his tweets this Saturday, Trump denied the doubts generated the book on his mental capacity to be president and cataloged them as an attack by the opposition.

"Now that, after a year of intense research, it has been proven that the Russian collusion was a total deception to the American people, the Democrats and their servants, the fake media, are pulling out the Ronald Reagan strategy manual and shouting about stability mental and intelligence, "Trump tweeted, referring to similar doubts that arose about the mental capacity of former Republican President Reagan in the 80s.

"The reality is that, throughout my life, my two greatest virtues have been my mental stability and being, like, very smart," he added.

The book 'Fire and Fury' also complicated the relationship between Trump and who was his chief strategy advisor, Steve Bannon .

In the volume, Bannon describes as an act of "high treason" and "unpatriotic" a meeting that Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr., and his son-in-law Jared Kushner had during the campaign.

"Even if (they) thought this was not high treason or unpatriotic or something bad - and I think it was all that - they should have called the FBI immediately," Bannon says in the book.

Bannon's tirades led Trump's lawyers to threaten to sue him for "defamation, libel and slander."

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