How I would spend $1.5 trillion

Over the past week, Pentagon's budget report for 2020 came out. It's disgusting! $1.5 trillion to murder people who did absolutely nothing to us. There are better ways to spend that kind of money.

How are the ways I would use that money:

CO-OP Collective Housing

I know how that sounds. Just keep reading and you will understand my thought. Image a situation where no one is homeless because they have an apartment which they own after 2 1/2 years to five years of living in it. Not just that one apartment. They have the ability to upsize to larger ones when they have children and downsize when their children move out on their own. They would own the right to live in the apartment complex because they are the board of directors as well. During the Soviet era in Russia, there were apartments which citizens could live in. The companies and the government usually owned the apartment complex and the employees lived there and paid for electric. The water was free and the amount of electric was a set price. No going up and down as the seasons changed. You didn't really see anyone homeless like we do here. Veterans were given Preference to regular citizens because they served and protected Russia so they got the first option at everything before others. Rather it is cars or apartments. Veterans first... This is the attitude we should have but don't. Check out Ushanka Show with Sergei Spuntnikoff on Only government personal came before veterans. In the video on YouTube where I talk about this housing option, I included links to tiny houses for any idea of how I would design apartments. Of course, there would be communal dinners offered with request people could make. They could request spaghetti and meatballs. You get the general idea of communal dinners. This is where issues of maintenance for the complex would be discussed along with arrangements for the private use of media room for parties is done. When I say media room I am talking about a room for communal movie night. There would be a computer room where people could apply for jobs and get assistance when needed. At this point, I think y'all have the idea I am going with.

Universal Healthcare

In Germany, people have health insurance that covers everything. Best of all, they can't lose it. They have it for the rest of their lives. From birth to death. It covers medical, hospital, dental, mental health, and vision. No matter what happens with their job, the insurance is theirs. Up to a year off paternal leave is included.

Guaranteed Full-time Employment

Do I really have to go into detail? Bernie Sanders has been everywhere talking about this. I agree. We should have guaranteed full-time employment without the threat of being fired if we wake up with the flu. When people love what they do for work, they are more likely to perform at 100%. Also, when they don't have to worry about things like being laid-off or unemployed, they tend to work beyond what they think they can do. In Denmark, people can change fields if they choose. Yes, they pay high taxes. Here is a crazy idea, they benefit from those taxes...


This is a hot topic because we here in America have two education systems. One is the private elite and the other is public which can barely educate a cat to catch a mouse. Our public schools suck next to countries like Singapore, South Korea, and Finland. There was a time when Finland was in the bottom five internationally of education systems. Now they are in the top five. We are in the bottom five. It's unheard of for teachers in Finland to pay for school supplies of any kind. Dr. Richard D. Wolff talked about his experience being a guest teacher in France and boy was he shocked at the different attitudes toward education. There are no private schools. If you have watched the Yellow Vest Protest you know the French are being overtaxed and underpaid. Dr. Wolf talked about a conversation he had with a friend and professor. At the end of the conversation, it came out that in the 1960s the class division was eliminated in France. The teacher made it clear he pays the equivalent of $100 dollars a year for pre-k education for his daughter. She had a uniform which she wore. It was a name brand, just criteria for clothing. Clean, and pressed. With a portion of the trillion, I would either deprivatize schools or adapt their curriculum for every school across America. Free basic healthy lunch. This is a must. Kinds need a basic lunch in order to perform.

At this point, I am going to stop and put my video link.

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