What Empowers You?

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What motivates one in life? Why do we get out of bed each day? Why are we here? These are questions on the minds of many people. The answers become more clear when we can align ourselves within PURPOSE. Those with purpose driven lives can lead a life with more empowerment. Empowerment is about becoming stronger and more "sure of self" during one's life. Achieving empowerment in life can help aid us in our life causes and passions.

I came across the @tribesteemup bi-weekly question of "what empowers you," and thought I would comment more around the topic.

Through my 38 years of existence on this planet, I've been driven, motivated, and empowered by different things at different times. Beginning in my young adulthood life I was empowered around my career and ensuring that I get a good start in life. This wouldn't be much different for many other teenagers and those in their early 20's. But as I worked through my 20's and into my 30's much of this began to change for me.

I've been fortunate in my life to accomplish a great deal at a relatively young age. Nothing was handed to me and nothing came easy. But through hard work in my career I've been able to accomplish a stable and comfortable life. My wife and I had made the decision early on in our relationship to not have children. So after the success in my career - I very much began to turn my attention to what else I could do. I knew deep down in my being that I wasn't simply placed on Earth to have a good career and happy life. While that is what many aspire after - for me I need more meaning. Around the age of 32 I began looking for my real purpose...

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I began digging into some reading about life, God, and other philosophical aspects of life. One thing seemingly led me down a path to the next, each building on the other. Slowly I was piecing together the answers through which I sought after.

As a young child, I was raised in a religious household. My mother divorced my father when I was around 5 years old. She had all the best intentions and raised me to understand Jesus and God. However I had questions as I began to grow older. Questions that she couldn't answer. She directed me to ask the pastors and teachers at church. Everything seemed to trail back to one answer - - - I needed to have faith. I wasn't good with that answer. I needed to understand more.

At the time I really didn't know where to turn. Everywhere I looked was external for answers. It was through the reading and building upon my leanings that I realized I needed to turn inward for answers. Once I turned inward for answers I began getting and receiving all different types of responses. It was as if my life itself began to take on a course of it's own - guiding me to where I needed to receive understanding and answers. This learning came organically and was not all through reading. Once I learned that I could look within and ask for sincere answers to questions I began to see them unfold live in front of my own eyes. I just needed to learn how to ask and then "pay attention" to the answers I was receiving.

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When you "wake up" to the reality that we control our own existence life can take on a completely new and EMPOWERING perspective. Everyday becomes more exciting as you look to learn more and experience more. When we realize that we are here for a specific journey and experience that needs lived out - life takes on new meaning. We literally are living a real life simulation - one in which you can challenge yourself everyday to learn more and become better.

What else could be more empowering? Upon learning this about life and experiencing the real effects in my life; I have set out to try and help others discover this amazing perspective. Again, I cannot fathom that I am simply here for myself. All my life I've wanted to help others become better. I didn't always know what others needed but I always tried to make others happy - sometimes to a fault.

While I know that not everyone is ready for this type of "awakening," when I come across those that I feel are prepared to take the plunge I get involved with them. The conversations I've been able to have with others to help them self-discover this on their own have been awe-inspiring and rewarding. There may be no better reward that watching and guiding another person through their own personal life awakening process. Helping others realize that we are not living our lives randomly through time to no avail is empowering. It's something that I'm highly motivated around. If I can help raise the consciousness of one individual - - - I'm doing what I've been placed here to do.

This is what is truly empowering to me and what I choose to do with my time these days. While I still hold a "normal" career and job - I have learned that I have been placed into that career and job due to my ability to reach hundreds and thousands of individuals through my higher level position within my industry and career. And while not every conversation I have with every individual leads to an awakening type of experience for them; I am able to influence others through good and sincere leadership. I'm always careful to allow people to make their own choices. Just because I have my perspective doesn't mean that all others are ready for it. But intuitively...I can tell when someone is ready to have a deeper conversation.

So no matter what the reason may be for others - I encourage everyone to understand "their why." Why they are here...What they have to accomplish...what their purpose for being is.

There is nothing more empowering than to realize the movement for which you have been placed onto this planet.


Know Your Why - once you discover it; plenty of empowerment will follow.

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