Canada's doves


One fine day, to beat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) I decided to bundle up and brave the below zero temperature of Canada. Off to Queen street I go on a subway.

Without a destination planned the sight of beautiful doves stopped me on my track. There is something about a gathering of this feathery friends that fascinates me. IMG20191214154051.jpg

One, in this part of globe they aren't hunted for food or for commerce to be sold as pets. Two, biblically they have a huge importance. The great book talks of them after the great deluge that tested Noah and his family among others. Finally got unknown reasons they are always requested for wedding ceremonials.


So please feel free to see my video of them in below link:

On a personal note, as much as I want to have the strong agile wings of eagles that soars the heavens I would rather be a dove because it travels in flocks. I think the number one reason I'm drawn to them is their ability to enjoy whatever food they're given with without needing to snap on other bird's neck. They are no predators. And they care for their young. Least I forget by travelling as one they decease air resistance in flight, decrease their energy consumption which leads to increase survival. Qualities that I think would make for a great civilisation.

I most admit, one thing I admire about Canada is their consistent effort to protect the natural flora and fauna they're blessed with. For me it's a true mark of a progressive country.

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