Todmorden Mills Heritage Site is as charming as can be


If you're looking for something laid back,nature friendly but educational activity then this heritage site is for you.



From this resource it pretty much describes what you will see when you go to this attraction.Yes it's not touristy and at 8dollars entrance for adult it sure is off my bucket list. But thanks to culture days, I get to see it for free. IMG_20190923_213611.jpg
Because my friend Erma is busy working she doesn't have much time to do research so I do that instead. In return, she treats me for a coffee or a juice as I'm jobless here in Canada with tourist visa. IMG20190923121632.jpg
So on a hot humid Saturday we took the line 2 subway to Broadview and walked towards 67 Pottery Road to have a taste of the old Canada during the industrial times. FB_IMG_1569296470859.jpg


We were greeted by a live band playing some jazz and country songs.


It was a cozy afternoon under the cool trees .I can't help think of Huckleberry Finn, and other classics with similar settings.

By the way, apart from free entrance they also served free snacks when you do the house tours. IMG20190923122919.jpg

Erma and I tried them all then went to check on the model houses and was impressed how far advanced they were back then.
Above is their refrigerator and below is their washing machine which I mistook for a mixer as it was inside the kitchen. IMG20190923122727.jpg

And if you are an antique collector you'd certainly want one of this cooking range as well.


Though I must say I have seen far prettier and older phones than the ones they have back home made from porcelain handles


The rooms were like those in the movies with porcelains for washing of hands and face as well as a bath tub and heaters. As noted by the youngest guest, restroom weren't common back then inside the house. Do you can just imagine how convenient our life is now compared back then. No wonder plaques and other diseases were common back then.


Yet despite of these limitations it's note worthy that even back then men and women take time to groom themselves.

Just look at theseIMG20190923123316.jpg

Perusing the pictures I took I am guessing that the porcelain under the bed was like a bed pan. Let me know your thoughts on this.

But seriously what I love about this trip is the chance to have a glimpse of the old life of the settlers. To be awed by how intricate their possessions are. And to take some pride as members of humanity how far we have accomplished in alleviating the problems of our ancestors. IMG20190923123118.jpg

Back then family recipes like this are handwritten and carried by messengers on foot or horses to distant place. Nowadays, we can copy and send to many with just a click of a mouse and even make a live video if one wills. Also, one need not even know how to bake them as there are many instant recipes. IMG20190923122103.jpg



Apart from our house ocular inspection we also went to have some pictures of the vintage cars.



Because it was scorching hot we decided to cool down in their gallery which has clean restrooms and photo exhibits. IMG20190923124632.jpg


Though not impressive to my untrained eye I am grateful for the temporary relief from the sun's rays. FB_IMG_1569296432069.jpg



Please watch this video if you wish.

To bad we weren't able to check out the art work done on the underpass. In overall it was a productive day indeed.



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