Role of Asia in the blockchain-industry

Last month we have been to the Asian-tour. Last news of the world of the cryptocurrencies from the TravelChain team!

— How was the Asian tour? What was the beginning? What was the first city you’ve visited and what results have you got? Why did you even go there?

— So our asian tour was very exciting and effective. We’ve started from Singaporein the middle of November on the fintech event, actually it turned out to be not the main thing because we’ve met a lot of representatives of the local community. With most of them we’ve established long-time relationships and we are still cooperating.

We’ve even got our own ambassador in Singapore, where we are promoting our project at the moment.

We have also had some very interesting meetings with VC’s and investors. And right now we are working with some of them during the Token Sale.

— Tell us more! Who have you met in Singapore and what was the outcome? What meetings have you arranged and what was the purpose?

— First of all, Singapore is a business-community and the best thing you can do in the community is to find the right people. The main thing in Singapore was about events and networking. That’s why we have attended a lot of private and networking events. So, we have managed to deal with the local representatives, who are key-figures in the blockchain market.

— Have you got any profit from this or feedback on the project?

We’ve gained some really interesting and positive feedback. The overall is that TravelChain is very interesting for market players and community as well. But we also needed to take into consideration some options for the legal part and other moments to be adopted for the Singapore and international market. It was a very good feedback because, thanks to it, we can work through some very serious moments.

— Have you participated in fintech festival? What meetings were arranged and what feedback have you got there?

The fintech was not about blockchain — it was more about classical business.

But it was very interesting to get some feedback from these guys because they are business professionals. The whole feedback about TravelChain was quite positive but they are very cautious. These guys are looking forward to seeing how the project will work and to discussing cooperation

The most pleasant thing about the Fintech festival in Singapore is that we keep meeting the same people like we did in Dubai and some other places.

Worldwide community is not very big but very pleasant to communicate. And we are very glad to meet these people and to chat with them to get the feedback and hopefully to see them in our project because this is the direction we are going right now.

We were lucky to see guys from Dubai with whom we have been speaking previously. And it was very interesting to meet them again to proceed with our communication. These guys actually are looking for to partner with TravelChain as well.

— A few words about Malaysia.

— Actually Singapore was very interesting and exciting. Our team slept for 4 hours per day and it was very relaxing for us to go to Malaysia afterwards because Malaysia is a more peaceful place.

We had some time before the BlockShow event so we have decided to use it to explore the blockchain community of Kuala Lumpur. Actually it turned out to be not too big. Blockchain in Malaysia is only being established. In Facebook group there are just 12 people but still there are a lot of blockchain enthusiasts who are decentralised as whole blockchain model. Even more, we were taking Uber and the taxi driver said he owns 1 BTC. This is a very interesting place,you know.

— Where have you travelled after Malaysia?

— The next stop after Kuala Lumpur was Hong-Kong. We’ve met strong blockchain-community, arranged several appointments, met Desmond Marshall, who have joined us as an adviser. We have finalized our agreements, got really nice feedback and some moments to work through. So he is also very professional and his feedback is very valuable for us.

The good bonus about Hong-Kong is that we have met the local community. The whole blockchain community in Hong-Kong is developing very fast. Even while just walking in the street, you can see BTC machines, ETH machines, right near the walking areas. So, Hong Kong was definitely a nice place and we are looking forward to visit it at least once more.

— Tell us more about the Hong Kong meetup.

In Hong Kong we were invited to one of the local meetups hosted by Genesis-Block.
It was very interesting to meet different representatives of IT and blockchain, as well. There were one of the guys who brought Vitalik Buterin to Hong-Kong. Also, nice representatives of IT-security markets.

We’ve also met some enthusiasts and actually these guys I guess can deal good with Travelchain because, for example, one of them is filming a documentary film for Netflix on how to travel the whole world for 1 BTC and how to spend it in a different parts of the world.

Most likely we can partner with that guy because it’s all about traveling, you know.

— How was the BlockShow Asia?

— And so, finally, the main destination of the whole trip was the BlockShow Asia in Singapore on 29th of November and this was an outstanding event. During just couple days we’ve met representatives from all over the world: from Japan, Australia, Europe, US, Asia and, of course, Russia We’ve gained some really nice contacts from different representatives like investors,enthusiasts and community.

Right on the event we have established a partnership with Vincent Lai from Tocco travel, so these guys are going to be the first users of the TravelChain and Vincent is gonna be one of our travel advisers as well. Moreover, me and Ilya are going to visit Vietnam to participate as speakers on one of the travel and blockchain events there.

Another interesting contact for us on the show was Darenta. This guys are making platform on blockchain for car renting and it actually fits the concept of travelling. So, right now we are establishing a partnership with them to use Travelchain and so this guys invited us to Bangkok on one of the local meetups.

— What can you tell us about the Japanese community?

— Another exciting moment was the interaction with the representatives of Japan. These people are from the sphere of classical investments.

The classical business-model is far away from blockchain, but the main thing is that even these guys were interested in the TravelChain, and they are seriously looking forward to the perspective of taking part in the project on the second part of development when the product will be already done.

— Which presentations were the best?

— Actually organizators of the event have done a really good job. They have attracted very interesting speakers and made couple of meetups. I really enjoyed speech of Brock Pierce. He is an awesome person and a really interesting man who speaks about the blockchain community and other stuff like that.

Actually community enjoyed very much even speech of Ilya, our CEO, because right after the speech a lot of the representatives came to us asking questions and sharing their contacts. It was very exciting.

Well, the main BlockShow Asia event was followed by series of informal events like meetups, networking sessions. There were two events in a different parts of Singapore in the evening time. And it was really pleasant and exciting to visit them because it has actually brought feeling of blockchain family because almost everybody knows each other. And it’s all about the community.

— What was the final point of the Asian-tour?

The final stop of our trip was Bangkok. The main thing about Bangkok was the blockchain event on December 4th. However, for us in unexpected way we’ve got invitation from our friends from D’arenta project to be speakers on the meetup on December 3rd.

And it was very interesting experience because we’ve first got acquainted with blockchain community of young enthusiasts. It was very exciting to talk to them, to present our project and to get feedback. The most of it was positive. It was great to gain some pretty interesting contacts from local representatives from media and from business-sphere.

The blockchain event had even two after-parties.

The main event had a high-level organisation and a good audience.

There were a lot of professionals who we’ve met before in Dubai, Singapore and other places. But still there were a lot of new faces, interesting people and interesting connections.

We’ve met some representatives of Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Actually speaking about Korea we’ve reached consensus with one of local professors in cryptography. And he agreed to communicate with the scientists team back in Russia. It may be an interesting cooperation.

Asian tour was a great experience because it brought us a lot of information and lots of feedback that has already been taken into consideration and implemented by our team to make TravelChain ready for the global market.

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