Part 2: My anecdotes in Khmer during 2017-2019

7、The quality of the goods
The Cambodia suffered privation during the Civil War, the country has to be imported many daily goods from the neighbour Thailand and Vietnam, etc.
When go outside on street, we are able to see a mass of the cars with Japanese brands. So, Its no wonder that, for the Khmer people, the Japanese productions favour that they represent one kind of special quality. Thats the reason why there would be four Aeon Supermarkets in Phnom penh, the capital of Cambodia. However, for the Chinese productions, of which they are distrustful.

8、Rate between Riel and Dollar
Most of the trade in this country are done by U.S. dollar, however, the local currency, Riel, still have its place, like 20%.
Normally, one dollar, floats between 4000-4200Riel.So, it`s very necessary for them to use calculator to check exactly the exchange for large payment each day.
Perhaps,when you take a journey there for a long time, the calculator maybe is a good option.

9、The traffic policemen
As its said, of all the Khmer people, the policemen have the best eyesight. Its easy for them to differentiate the people on street who has done against the traffic laws. But, they are criticized most about is to ask for bribes from the drivers, no matter they are motorbike drivers or car drivers, especially for Chinese, who prefer to pay to solve problems that more than to go to court when in trouble.

We all have been familiar with the phenomena that Chinese people have a bad reputation for their loud noisy speaking, even in assembly hall. Luckily, Khmer people are totally different.
When 2 Chinese people have a conversation, the sound can be 2 or 3 times as loudly as 2 Khmer people in a conversation.
We have to admit the truth, no matter you like it or not, that they are tender, and, maybe a little bit shy, people.

11、Tuk Tuk driver
From the Philippines, beyond to Sri Lanka, the Tuk Tuk motor car is so popular and has been seen as part of the local culture. It, well known for its pungent driving, though.
Here, we are all suffer the same problem as well.
Phenom penh, which describes as paris of the Orient, is quite convenient, and is easily to access to other places. Well, there are hundred of Tuk Tuk motor car drivers rampage, from unknown corners, with a high speed, through about the city.
So, next time, when you hear about the sound, caused by the hitting tires of motor cars on street you `d better to be far away from both sides of the road.

You know, as a foreigner, life may not be easy when you encounter with the problems from the cross-clutres. We could say it`s a challenge, however ,if you treat it as a game, from this angle, the more you are familiar with, the more interesting reward you can get!

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