Other than Santa Monica, Venice is another popular destinations in Los Angles for visitors and locals. Originally called “Venice of America,” Venice was founded in 1905 by developer Abbot Kinney as a beachfront resort town like its namesake in Italy. Today I would like to explore Venice canal & Venice beach,two famous and beautiful spots in Venice with you.
除了聖塔莫尼卡,威尼斯是洛杉磯另一個深受本地及旅客喜愛的海邊度假勝地。由一位大煙草商Abbot Kinney於1905年成立,希望在美國建立一個與義大利威尼斯同名的海濱度假勝地。今天跟大家一齊探索一下威尼斯兩個著名的景點—威尼斯海灘及運河區。
1. Venice Canal 威尼斯運河區
The Venice Canals are located located within South Venice Blvd., Pacific, Ocean Ave. and Washington Blvd. It is primarily a neighborhood of houses that line five canals about a quarter mile long each. Along the sides of these canals there walking paths next to homes and small docks. Picturesque footbridges cross over the canals and connect them up for longer walks. It is just a beautiful place for a leisurely stroll.
威尼斯運河位於南威尼斯大道 、太平洋大道、海洋大道 以及華盛頓大道。它主要是一個住宅區,沿著這些運河的兩側有一整排充滿特色的房子,大多採開放空間設計,有些房子的外面還有一條小船。小河非常清澈見底,能看到有很多魚群自由自在的游來游去及一群群鴨子在水上休息和戲水。
Each canal seems to have at least two or three bridges that connect the two sides. The bridge provide a beautiful point of the waterway for photography. The picture above and my cover picture were taken from a bridge.
I guess this boat have already become a home of these two little ducks.
Almost every house on the canals has a dock, and half of them have some form of boat.
After exploring the canal, we continue our walk to Venice beach. We stopped by the Cold Stone Creamery 😍 Different from the traditional ice-cream place, you can combine different flavors of ice cream with you choice of ingredients and the server will help you to chop and fold it all together using two spades on a frozen granite stone. And I chose a signature creation Cheese cake Fantasy in a waffle cone, which taste very delicious.
探索運河後,我們繼續步行到威尼斯海灘。 途中我們在Cold Stone Creamery停下來😍 與傳統的冰淇淋店不一樣,你可以創作專屬自己口味的冰淇淋。客人可以按照自己的口味把冰淇淋與自己選擇的配料,緊接交給店員在獨有的花崗岩石板拌和。 這次我選擇了它們其中一款經典冰淇淋起司蛋糕范特西,味道非常美味。
Cheesecake Fantasy- Cheesecake Ice Cream with Graham Cracker Pie Crust, Blueberries and Strawberries
2. Venice beach 威尼斯海灘
It took around 10 minutes walking from Venice Canal to Venice beach excluding the time I spent in Cold Stone Creamery. The pier itself offers a 1,300-foot walking path with spectacular views of sea and sky which I found is quite similar to Malibu Pier that I shared before. They are both very beautiful.
從威尼斯運河到威尼斯海灘需要大約10分鐘的時間,當然沒有計算我在Cold Stone Creamery逗留的時間咯。碼頭是一條1300英尺的步行道,在上面可以欣賞壯觀的海景和天空,我發現它與馬里布碼頭非常相似,都十分美麗。
Enjoying spectacular views of sea and sky with my ice-cream in hand made me feel satisfied and grateful.
Hope you enjoy exploring Venice Canal and Venice Beach with me today~❤️