Muscle fatigue and pathology of the muscular system


This phenomenon occurs mainly in non-trained or elderly people and more rarely in performance athletes, trained appropriately. Installing muscle fatigue is due to an inadequate training plan, non-compliance with breaks to recover the physiological capabilities of the required muscles, and inappropriate diet or sleep.


Normal physical fatigue is manifested by:

  • High muscle tension compared to normal

  • Reduction of contraction as energy efficiency

  • Muscle temperature higher than 38-40 0 C

  • Muscle pain at the level of prolapse in the tendons

Muscle fatigue also translates to neuronal level through faulty commands, weak coordination tasks, tremors and changes in general muscle tone. Also, muscle fatigue decreases immunity to the body and various infections, allergies, furunculi and other problems can occur on this background.

Muscle fever occurs after a muscle overload and can take up to 24-48 hours. As a result of this effort, the muscle secretes lactic acid even after several tens of seconds of intense effort, which causes muscle aches and even the breaking of blood capillaries from affected muscles.

Not to be confused with muscle stretches, they are a breakage or cracking of muscle fibers. In this case the pain feels like a burning or strong intepatudi that persists and ill rest.

Muscle ruptures, on the other hand, represent the breakage of a large number of muscular fibers, manifested by very intense pain and the appearance of a bleeding that marks the injured area.

Muscle cramps are involuntary contractions in effort or rest on the background of dehydration or ion imbalance (magnesium, potassium, calcium). Also the pronounced acidification of the muscles leads to the continuous and very painful muscular contraction, which is also popularly called "car-eel".

Muscular contusion is an action of a powerful force exerting on the muscles that cause a hematoma, acute local pain or even muscle rupture,

Muscle atrophy is the reduction in muscle size, the loss of strength predominantly occurs in muscles that are not commonly used. Maybe a stroke may occur when certain muscle groups are not properly stimulated or after immobilization of a member requires a long term gypsum device.

Platfus is a slimming of the leg muscles that constitutes the curvature of the foot. It can be of two flexible and rigid types. The flexible plate is usually asymmetrical and does not show pain. Rigid plateaus occurs following an abnormal foot development, an abnormal connection between the bones of the foot. The latter is often painful and requires treatment.

Hernia is a pathological condition that consists in the total or partial exit of an organ in its cavity. In the case of muscles, it is the weakening of the muscular wall and even its rupture. The most common is abdominal hernia where the abdominal wall is broken and the intestines penetrate through it. This occurs due to muscle strain that exceeds the physiological limits of the muscles involved, leading to increased pressure in the abdominal region, obesity or aging.

Muscle hypertrophy is the increase and increase of muscle mass as a result of exaggerated exercise. This is in fact a disruption of the diathermy of the fiber and not of the cell wall, altering the force of the muscle contraction and eventually leading to the tearing or tearing of the tendons from the bone inserts.

Stay fit and healthy!

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