Time Travel is Impossible?

Audio Time Feedback Loop?

When I say Audio, I mean germs, matter, space, and everything. If you went back in time, you would probably take back the germs in your own body back as well. That would maybe introduce new germs, matter, cells, atoms, space, black matter maybe, air molecules, things we cannot see or know about, and everything connected to you or around you, to the past. You would take it all back with you in time to the past and that would change the future which would then change the past again and again in a loop, right?


Would your germs multiply like rabbits having babies and therefore be greater in number than they would have been? Second, when the timeline catches up to the point where you go back in time that first original time, and you take back the germs the first time (or would this be a second time), then would you be taking back the same amount of germs in the present back in time to the same amount of germs in the past or would there be more as you already changed the timeline when you already went back in time that first time, even as that first time was and is part of an endless loop which small things may get stuck in those loops, things we cannot see, things that are too small to see, may get stuck in that endless time loop, right? Would germs, time, space, matter, atoms, other things, and maybe even dark matter, get stuck in the time loop as one person going back in time is not isolated from the things around that one person in going back in time and in splitting off from that one person to therefore alter past events from and on a microcosm level?

Stephen Hawking Party?

He invited people to his party the day after his party but nobody came it seems, unless if they kept it a secret to make sure that, say if you did it, then maybe you need to not know that to ensure you still find a way to travel back in time to go to his party in the first place.

Grandpa Theory?

You go back in time, you stop your your grandpa from hitching up with grandma, and then you would never be born. But if you were never born, how did you go back in time to stop grandpa from having you if there is no you to begin with? Wait, maybe go back and stop your dad, right? Why did I say grandpa, haha?

Murder Hitler as a Baby?

Some say they would murder Hitler as a baby, but if somebody did then how would we even know about Hitler if Hitler was murdered as a baby?

Alternative Timelines?

In Back To The Future (BTTF), Doc told Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), that when events changed, then the timeline split into an alternative timeline, as you saw in the 3 films, spoiler alert, especially the second film, where there was an alternative 1985 where Biff was like the President of America. By the way, in the first film, as Marty's mom was falling in love with him, her own son, or even as she was not falling in love with dad, Marty started disappearing which is a theory to what happens in that kind of paradox of what happens if you prevent your own birth.

Different Timelines?

Some say there are different timelines, maybe an infinite amount of timelines, or realities, and each time we make a choice, we go to that timeline reality, especially if we were to travel in time to change something but does that cheapen you and me and reality itself if we are not exclusive, original, if there are infinites amounts of us, and why must you do anything if your other you did it for you in another timeline or reality or universe or dimension or whatever?

Timeline Hopping? Timeline Couch Surfing?

One theory seems to say that if you killed Baby Hitler, then that would have been in Timeline B. You would be from Timeline A for example where there was a Hitler you didn't kill.

But that would be a little sad as that didn't change anything in your timeline, Timeline A, as that only changed things in Timeline B which would always be what it was as you only did what you did as it already happened as you went back in time to do that to change what was never changed as it was maybe predestined and already changed but was as it always has been in Timeline B with no Adult Hitler as there never was a Big Boy Hitler in Timeline B as you always would have as you already did what you did to kill Baby Hitler to therefore not really change was already changed as you did it originally and invisible to everybody in that timeline, right? It is sad if we go to change Timeline A but can only change Timeline B or C or D or so on and so forth the line of infinite timelines, realities. Can you meet yourself or would that create a time paradox to your past you or you in another timeline?

Butterfly Effect Film

In this film, the Butterfly Effect, Ashton Kutcher played a character who was able to will his consciousness through time which led to changing history in his own life each time he went back. A Halloween Simpson's episode had a similar outcome where they killed the dinosaurs & went back to the present to see people evolved into monsters or something.

Mandela Effect

This is the theory that seeks to explain why we sworn certain things happened differently than how they did. Remember those bears? Were they the Werkenstein Bears Working all the time? Remember that X File episode from season 10 or 11? That guy said he was a 3rd partner of Fox Moulder & Dana Sully. Then they did the intro song with that 3rd guy photoshoped in which was funny. The Mandela Effect was named after Mandela, that leader in South Africa whom some sworn he died in the 1980's in jail or the 1990's maybe. Is the Mandela Effect evidence (proof) that time travel is possible? Or is the world more like Fringe, a television series with alternative universes and even pocket universes? In Rick & Morty, there are infinite timelines or parallel universes and they end up fighting against the league of Rick's at times. In Star Trek Next Generation, the crew ran into other versions of themselves. In one timeline, the Borg took over & that crew were all beaten up stuck in war. It was scary & sad, but interesting too.

What are your theories and ideas on time? What are your favorite time-related films, shows, books, etc? Share your ideas, videos, links, etc, in the comments below, thanks.

Time Theories Time

2018-04-13 Friday 10:00 AM LMS: Tim Travel Is Impossible Maybe
Published at 01:10 PM
Email: joeyarnoldvn@gmail.com

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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