5 quick tips on time management

Most people feel stressed about life and work because they feel they have too much to do and so little time to do it. It is stressful because:

Time is limited.
Time is our most valuable resource.
Time does not stop for anyone
Time gives no second chances

That said, would you not agree it is TIME TO TAKE CONTROL OF OUR TIME...!

Below are five quick tips to help you manage your time better.

Plan Ahead

Take some time to manage your time by planning your time. Some ways to do this are by planning your week beforehand. During this time, choose your biggest and most important tasks and schedule them into your weekly schedule. Doing this will help you be more focused as you work with scheduled tasks rather than approach each day wondering what you should do.

Determine your priorities and focus on them

Focus on the things that you need to be doing to move you forward. We often get sidelined with filler tasks that are not necessary at best and not helpful at worst. Make a list of the things you do, and prioritize the most important ones. These are the tasks you want to see on your schedule. You might get a lot of things done, and do them efficiently, but it turns out they were the wrong things, or at least not the most important things. Make sure you do the work that matters.

Eliminate every distraction

Distractions are all around. Sometimes life gets in the way and we have to adjust. But most of the time we simply lose focus. Unexpected interruptions, digital distractions and so on...

Whether it is putting a sign on your door or keeping your phone stored away, find a way to avoid being distracted.

Use timers

One way to do the above and have more focus is to use timers. The pomodoro method, which takes work in chunks of 25 minutes with 5 minutes of rest is very helpful. When you put your mind into a timed session, you focus easier and get more done.

Just say no

Don't be a people pleaser. Learn to say no to tasks and work. Do not take on more than you can do. People will always be glad to allow you to do their work for them, as long as you let them. Say no to anything that is not in your list of top priorities.

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