What Happened To The Music?

gif created by Rafael Varona and found at http://gifphy.com

So where is the ukulele music I had planned on doing once a week? Unfortunately, the fretted instruments are not in my future. I had high hopes of finding that musical connection deep within me, but I fear it will not be with one of the easiest instruments, the Ukulele. The pain I am getting at the base of my left thumb happened to flare up just as it did before my minor hand surgery last December. This pain has caused me to have to stop crocheting as well, but, fortunately, the embroidery is still something I can continue.

image from article "Base of Thumb Arthritis" located at http://www.plasticandhandsurgeon.com/base-of-thumb-pain.html

I had to have in-office surgery at one point in December to break up a calcium deposit, but the pain has come back rather quickly. It is quite possible that arthritis has developed in the base of the thumb and that means there are some issues playing musical instruments that require a lot of thumb use. So, it seems, I will not become the famous ukulele rock star I have planned to become. So, what now? What are my plans to play music? Will I even be able to play an instrument? Such a sad thought for me since I have found the itch for music.

gif created by the Hallmark Channel and found at http://gifphy.com

At one point I was learning to play the piano. We had been given one and I practiced for hours, but we moved and it was just to heavy for us to take along. I was learning to play with both hands and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, we never really took the time to replace it, then we moved into an RV. There is NO room in an RV; or is there? Turns out, an electronic keyboard is not only small but its something my husband has been wanting for a while. This seemed like the perfect time to pick one up so he could use it for his midi equipment and for me to give it a try.

video by Sean Blake (YouTube) and can be found at

Give me a week or so and I will give this another try, but with a piano instead. Until then, remember, "You are my sunshine!"


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