A Message To Friends - Let's Figure It Out Together

We are in some very crazy times right now where we have literally seen the world turned upside down in such a short time. The media is in a frenzy whipping up fear and everyone is stressed and concerned for either health and safety reasons or financial. The world can literally be bankrupted on the back of decisions being made that are out of our control.

Yet this does present an opportunity to think because we all have huge amounts of free time. Something we did not have when we were working and living life. So the intention of this article is to discuss some topics that maybe on a normal day to day basis you would not feel worthy of devoting time too.

I fully appreciate that to some people the recent information I have been posting is highly controversial and pings against long held beliefs on how they see the world.

Consider this that it is really not an easy thing to do coming out publicly saying things that are against the mainstream narrative.

It makes you there to be shot at and trust me no one in the alternative space enjoys this because its hard work. Sticking your head up and saying what mainstream media or google and fake fact checking organisations have been trying to censor and suppress for years is really hard work.

So think why do so many people feel compelled to do it?

Do you think we just like an argument or like to be controversial?

I can say with absolute certainty that millions of good, kind and honest people, who really deeply care about people are investing huge amounts of time learning some difficult and upsetting topics. Topics that threaten everyones health, wealth and freedoms and they feel so disgusted by what they learn that they feel compelled to walk a difficult path sharing it with others.

In the general public there is such a high percentage of people who are simply too overworked and financially stressed just trying to live their lives to devote the required time to question these topic and say things like “why should I care there is nothing I can do to change it and it doesn’t affect my life”.

This understandable apathy combined with an innate belief that surely the governments and institutions of the world would not do things that were directly against the public stop further time being invested……

I get it as it can sound bonkers if you have never delved into these topics or if you did “google” them and found some mainstream article saying it’s nonsense created by paranoid idiots with tin foil hats on…. These articles label honest and critical thinking people as “conspiracy theorists who believe anything they hear on youtube”.

Just for a second consider this other view point….. a doctor comes out and whistle blows on a product that is injuring people. He knows the second he comes out his incredibly well paid career that provides a nice life is over!

Why would someone take that risk knowing he will be labelled globally as a liar and a quack spreading “conspiracy theories”. Yet if you had not researched the facts and only heard repeated news coverage in all forms of media confirming that he is a “conspiracy theorist” it is so easy to say “oh well another nutter” and move on with your day……. This happens on a scale that is unfathomable and the only way you can verify that is by starting to care enough about what’s going on in the world and follow the information.

We All Have An AHA Moment

I was not open to any of this stuff until about 12 years ago when my mate came to me and said “mate do you know the banks make money out of thin air”

I brushed it off immediately as “dude you’ve lost it”

But he insisted on getting me to study the information he had and low and behold I discovered “fractional reserve banking” which legally allows any bank to lend 10 times more money than they have from savers deposits! Thus meaning that they create a digital figure on a ledger / spreadsheet saying they lent you money for a loan / credit card or mortgage out of thin air!

Go google it and research “fractional reserve banking” and you will see that this is EXACTLY as I am telling you. This means that there is literally no loss to the banks because they lend you money with interest payable that never existed and this is why they give you a statement and not an invoice because they cannot prove loss.

Once the penny dropped and I saw heroic brave people like my friend Michael Tellinger risking his life to take the banks to court and call them out on their fraud. He even ran for South African President and was defrauded on the vote count by millions. I began to see first hand how things were being manipulated on a scale that was astonishing.

I started to ask simple questions like “who ever had trillions to lend the UK or USA?” By researching you learn that there are these non elected private banking firms like central banks, the bank of international settlement and the IMF that have engineered the power and influence to control the worlds supply of money and that it is all a huge fraud that is no different to counterfeiting money.

These non elected bodies tax every person in the world through the interest payments they charge on money they never had. This means:

  • We all pay excessive taxes on our wages at an ever increasing rate year on year.
  • As they print money and issue it to their "bankster cronies"
  • They devalue the spending power of every currency exponentially which rigs the game so no one can truly get ahead if you're just a normal person working a job.
  • They have created a legal framework so they can consolidate unimaginable wealth and power via off shore shell companies. Avoiding taxes like the normal people they tax and subjugate, while making companies have more rights than people.

This was all warned about over the years dating back to 18 & 1900s and formed the legal framework for the rules and regulation the western world is meant to live by. Such as the US constitution and UK’s constitution. These were incredibly genius documents written to provide a set of rules that protected individual freedoms such as the freedom of speech and the freedom of movement or the privacy and protection of your human rights.

Over the years through lobbying and corruption these simple rules (constitutions) have been eroded very cleverly inch by inch. To the point that we are now taxed on

  • income (income tax),
  • taxed on new goods (VAT)
  • and even the sickest one taxed at death having paid a lifetime of taxes!

Inch by inch these taxes have been increased despite the “tin foil hat” wearing conspiracy theorists warning where this would end up, yet no one listened.

We have been slowly taxed more and more until we find ourselves having to work more than one job. The single income families are now a thing of the past….. bit by bit inch by inch people have through apathy / media manipulation of the truth and the stress of life sleep walked to where we are now.

I do not think there is one single person who reads this who can say it is right that our parents or grandparents worked their entire lives, paying their taxes and then when they die the government has the right to come and take 40% of what they leave us…… it is so twisted and wrong.

Poverty Is Unfathomable

I do not think there is one person who thinks that in a world where it is documented that they create money from nothing that there should ever be a lack of investment in our healthcare or wellbeing or that we should see people living on the streets.

In the UK anyone can have his house paid for life for free via social security……

So why do we live in a world where people end up on the streets?

We are told this is because the administrative paperwork cannot be completed because they do not have an address! It is a nonsense and makes no sense…. Simply have a department that can fill in the forms and write a check on the day….. no bureaucratic process of sending in forms should leave a single human being starving and homeless.

It makes a rational person questioning this ask the question “who’s side are the politicians on to allow such cruelty and financial theft from its citizens”.

Government & Media Lie Repeatedly

History teaches us that we have witnessed countless times when big business / government and the media have lied to the public. Sometimes knowingly and other times through ignorance and poor advice.

Such as:

  • Smoking causing cancer for something like 80 years governments and tobacco companies manipulated the clear scientific evidence and tied the “dissenters” up in lengthy legal loopholes. Denying the victims of the life saving treatment or compensation…. Until it all came crashing down with hundreds of billions paid in compensation.
  • Silicon breasts where denied to cause problems for over 25 years.
  • Thalidomide where children were born deformed
  • The enormous teflon scandal which is said to have infected and poisoned every human being on the planet….. who knows the true figure of tens of millions who have died from this….. if you have not seen it watch the movie Dark Waters its brilliant
  • The insane lies and reasons for going to war like the Weapons Of Mass Destruction lie

I could go on and on but the fact is we have got so used to opening a paper and seeing the latest scandal that we have become desensitised to it…… it has become accepted and normal when it is not normal and should not be accepted.

People Feel Powerless

There was a time when people actually cared about local community decisions or laws and debated them as a community. If there was an over reach by government or big business the people or the unions would strike and create action that stopped it in its tracks.

Over the 70’s and 80’s unions were destroyed and now present day information is censored and white washed online. If you watched the Netflix movie “The Irishman” you will see that the mafia infiltrated and controlled the unions in America….. fact not conspiracy and this has been going on for decades.

The widespread closure of pubs has further stopped people getting together and engaging in healthy debates. Inch by inch the world has been engineered to separate us from each other and in doing so we have lost our power.

People feel powerless to instigate change because everyone is tired, stressed and broke because of a planned and rigged system to make everyone tired, stressed and broke. Isolating everyone to drive in a box to go to an office and sit in a box and come home and watch a box.

Media Is No Longer Independent

There was a time when the media consisted of thousands of local papers, radio stations and TV channels. Through the rampant printing of money the elites have bought out and merged ALL MEDIA companies into just 6 companies!

6 Companies control the news and TV for the ENTIRE PLANET. Just think of the immense power that gives just 6 companies to steer the worlds belief system. It has been documented since the 1950’s that the CIA invested a fortune into acquiring media companies and deploying psychological tactics to control what we all think. Sound wacky and too far out? Just go and google “operation mockingbird” its there to read even on wikipedia!

Telling the truth or having a different opinion to the one fed to us all on all the “programming” TV channels has become a revolutionary act.

Nobody wants to think they are being controlled and I have seen the reaction over and over.

  • “no one controls what I think….. I’m my own person”
  • “i research I don’t just believe what I’m told”
  • “i always make my own mind up”

Now the above statements can only be true if you are presented with all sides of a debate. Allowing you to use critical thinking and weigh up all sides of the topic.


Let’s take 5G as an example there are 10,000 studies showing harm….. not 2 or 3 by "quacks in a basement" there are 10,000 real scientific studies!

So if the media does not report to everyone that there are 10,000 studies and DO THEIR JOB as journalists to dig into the facts and find the truth YOU CANNOT make a correct decision. Add to that the media machine chooses to vilify and character smear Dr’s / Professors and other credible people as quacks THE MASSES believe it.

  • Can you see how damaging this is to not have transparent and honest media reporting?
  • Can you see how by ignoring the science and smearing it they are manipulating public opinion in favour of their own agenda?
  • Can you see how people who have actually done the research are horrified that the media is being used to silence the facts? Facts that will lead to millions suffering from disease!

We look at communist countries and think it is terrible they only have state owned media. We feel good we have a free press and live in a free and democratic society.

Ask yourself this….. how free are we when we can be covertly influenced by the withholding of facts and we do not have a balanced debate?

Media Manipulated Herd Mentality Is So Dangerous

Good people who see things going wrong have been neutered into silence by political correctness a corrupt media narrative and insanely their own friends. Friends who have not invested a single minute into questioning the world or doing any modicum of research to form a balanced opinion. An opinion based on critical thinking and reading all sides. Sadly these friends are often the most outspoken voices who shout loud at anyone challenging the media narrative.

Can you imagine how it bad it feels to someone who has done the research and clearly see the suppression of a healthy debate, when they reach out to others they get shouted down by someone who has formed an opinion without access to all the facts. It does not make the person right or wrong but no one can form a valid opinion if you have been robbed of the facts.

It is a very concerning herd mentality and it feels too hard for most people to speak up and that is what the system has been designed to do. We are meant to be a multicultural society that is democratic with the right to free speech but the media uses a mind control on us all that works like this….

  • People do not want to feel like they are different.
  • People want to fit in.
  • People assume if trusted sources say something it must be true
  • People assume if something is said enough times by enough people it must be real.
  • People have been conditioned to trust the experts and authority figures.

The media has polarised people into so many opposing categories and turned the conversation into a right or wrong debate. Division is everywhere and this is done to distract us into hating on someone who holds an opposing view such as:

  • Democrat or Republican
  • Labor v Conservative
  • Man v Woman
  • White v Black
  • Straight v Gay
  • Country v Country
  • Sports club v Sports club

We are no longer asking the important questions as law upon law is covertly snuck through while no one is paying attention and our rights are eroded.

Very few people want to feel like they are wrong and shut opposing opinions down without truly reviewing both sides. Honestly ask yourself "how many times in your life has someone approached with a new view point on a topic and you shut them down because your “certainty” on the subject had come from information you gathered from the media?

Be honest if you have ever had a political or corporate debate and quoted an opinion you got from reading the news. Yet you did not do the research to see

  • Who is the author?
  • Does he have bias?
  • Who owns the publication and do they have an agenda?
  • Do they have anything in their history that’s bad?

Let’s take 5G when 10,000 peer reviewed scientific papers have been produced showing it causes a multitude of harm to people, animals and plants.

Why would a friend instantly dismiss it without even reading a word to trust a company that is an international conglomerate that is there for one thing profit?

Can you see how insane this is that a friend approaches you who you may well, love and have nothing but good thoughts about. This friend shows evidence backed by thousands of scientists that you and your loved ones could be physically harmed and instantly you dismiss it with NO INVESTIGATION and tell your friend “don’t be stupid have you lost you’re mind that’s just a conspiracy theory”.

That is the definition of illogical thinking and it is like a religious cult having total "faith and blind belief" in a system above you.

Do you think it is possible that the media has in anyway influenced you with its debunking articles and smearing of people to just categorise everything as “conspiracy”?

I am hoping when people read this in a logical way they can begin to understand why the people doing the research constantly use the term “wake up” because it is like critical thinking has been removed and people are in a trance.

Inch by Inch See How They Take More

Everyone needs to remember that we are all one and we the people hold the power! We are the many (billions) and the elite controllers, greedy bankers, politicians are the few. Inch by inch bit by bit the middle-class has been almost wiped out (done on purpose) and there is now the largest gap between rich and poor in history. It is said that 99% of the worlds entire wealth and assets are owned by less than 1% of the population!

Think about this in the UK we had an inheritance tax law issued at 8% in 1894 and inch by inch over 126 years it was slowly increased 1% here or there and because no body contested it we are now 40%.

The erosion of your rights have been covertly done right before your eyes, over and over again on any subject you wish to pick.

Ignorance & Apathy Are The Tools

They use your lack of time, energy and interest in understand a subject to get what they want. They use complicated legalese and write laws in terms the lay person does not understand (on purpose). This is so the very few can control the many covertly using ignorance.

For example tax laws and criminal laws do not need to be written in a language that is not simple and clear. Tax could be simplified to just a straight set percentage sales tax….. job done….. but instead it is super complex and convoluted, enabling the rich to avoid taxes through loopholes not afforded to the everyday man.

You all see the odd headline like how Google or Amazon pay stupidly low tax bills like £30million yet they make billions and have decimated the high street.

You will have all seen wealthy millionaires and billionaires all set up “charitable foundations” and they make it look like they are giving back. You assume its because they are nice people because that is how the media spin it. Yet the truth is foundations are a tax avoidance vehicle that we could all use to pay zero tax but the information is withheld from the masses…… there is a two tier system of them and us.

Do you know that every product is taxed at every step in the supply chain that smart people have done the accounting job and figured out that almost every person on earth is taxed at the rate of 80% on every pound or dollar spent….. covertly without your knowledge.

  • Where does all this money go and why is there no transparency or accountability?
  • Why do councils get told to spend everything they have before the year ends to avoid being penalised the following year? This makes no sense!
  • Why not repurpose that money for the greater good without penalty….. I have dealt with councils and police forces in my business and they almost always bought our systems at the end of the year.
  • Why is there countless examples of local councils buying lightbulbs or paying for construction work way above the market value?
  • Why as a large purchaser of anything are countries or local councils not employing people to negotiate better on behalf of the people they represent?
  • Why does the UK government or US government not pass laws that stop big Pharma from overcharging for pills they make for pennies?

Why Do You Trust Big Pharma Has Your Best Interests At Heart?

Let’s take the Pharma question further….. the powers that be will say drugs are expensive because it costs so much to bring a new drug to market…… so lets analyse this!

Pharma and governments are both complicit in creating a system so rigged that it eliminates, criminalises and blocks at every turn working solutions to problems they have often created. They have created this amazingly convoluted system that supposedly requires enormously expensive testing to be done to create a scientific study, that then needs to go through a tedious and slow and hugely expensive process to be signed off as safe and trusted.

This system has been designed to be so costly that only products owned by big Pharma ever get through. If you have a working product and can prove it by showing it work for 10,000 people in real world application you will be told that is not a good enough proof. You will be banned and even shut down for telling the truth about what your product does because you have not had “official permission” to state what it does because you have not spent £30million complying with the rigged systems rules.

Let’s take GCMAF it was proven in real world use to be safe and cure cancer, it cured tens of thousands of cancers (all documented). The second the guy bringing it to market went on TV to discuss his results in the naive belief that tens of thousands of success cases was enough, armed police stormed his lab, froze his bank accounts and criminally prosecuted him….. I kid you not this is factual go and research it.

A working cancer cure that could save millions of live and save governments billions each year and not one cancer charity (taking tens of billions a year in public donations) invested a penny to valid that it worked…..

Another great example is how the most popular British TV presenter Noel Edmunds had the “audacity” to publicly share that he beat cancer using diet changes, working on emotional stress he held and using a PEMF technology that pulsed electromagnetic fields into his body.

It is an unarguable fact the he had cancer, then he didn’t and he told you how he did it to try and help others…… what happened?

Every single mainstream media turned on him and called him a crack pot with titles like “Noel Edmunds cured cancer with positive thinking”…..

His reputation in tatters and not one single cancer charity invested a penny to find out how he did it.

People should be up in arms about this but they are not because they read a headline make a snap decision “oh Noel Edmunds has gone mad” and look no deeper.

Twitter and Snapchat Are Designed To Dumb Us Down

Personally I have never understood why anyone would want to use a platform like snapchat to send a photo that disappears after 10 seconds. It never made sense to me and neither did Twitter when it launched until it was explained to me.

Social media has been designed to do two very clever psychological tricks on the public. That create addiction and behavioural change.

First it creates a reward mechanism similar to real world pleasure like eating chocolate. It is a studied and proven fact that by getting likes on posts and photos we get a dopamine hit. This becomes addictive and keeps us on the platforms for longer.

Next by using microblogging we have become conditioned to read short headlines like a tweet and make rapid mental conclusions on which to follow. By flooding us with so much information in our newsfeeds there is simply no time to devote to delving Ito everything.

Additionally social media has been designed to get us all to give ALL of our personal data for free to be monetised and analysed to create computer models to allow our movement and behaviour to be predicted.


Think about it we all used to read a daily paper and read entire articles. The papers needed to make the content good and there was a degree of trust in this because if the content was poor we would stop buying or move to another publication.

Newspapers were truly regulated and would be publicly sued if they got it wrong and it was a big thing. National papers could be ruined if they screwed up that big and it happened.

Those days are gone because now everything is online and we are over stimulated with content from so many sources. This lead to something called “clickbait” which is where you could create a sensational tweet or post headline and it would drive higher numbers of clicks…… so everyone started doing it.

Inch by inch we start to delve less and less deeper and we have the choice online to only consume that which we really like. Be it sports or cat memes or whatever. This has isolated mass public awareness on topics that matter because we no longer all read the same papers.

The public have on mass had their habits manipulated to headline reading, quality and integrity has dropped and we are all looking at different things.

After you read 4-5 “conspiracy stories” being debunked they all followed the same format. Some nut job denies science or thinks the government is out to kill you. It’s ridiculous and here is our top scholar / scientist / fact checker or whatever that is smarter than you….. reassuring you that this person is mad.

Repeat this over and over and you get to the point where a nation stops asking questions!

Documented Corruption In Social Media

I am not a fan of mainstream media clearly but I am going to reference two articles on the BBC to further highlight the point that social media is engineered to change your habits, addict you and covertly psychologically influence you to the narrative they want you to have.

Initially Google, Youtube and Facebook played fair and were impartial platforms. Their organic search results produced results based on the best and most consumed content. They gained the worlds trust by being brilliant and free and changed the world. We all loved them because they improved our life in so many ways.

So this was where the 100% trust was put into public consciousness. We marvelled at their success and rising stock price as the creators became Billionaires. We knew they were making money from our data and pushing a few ads at us but we didn’t mind because we got so much in return.

They were governed as a platform and not a publisher and this meant they saved billions by not having to employ an army of staff to monitor the content. They just had to remove terrorist or violent crime or sexual content.

This is a critical point to understand because they are not allowed to influence content consumption based on their own biases. Imagine if google choose which business to make number one in the world for a particular product. They have the ability to make millions or billions or collapse companies. This power could manipulate stock prices as they could make a company No1 in the world and cause the stock price and sales to increase.

Likewise we need to know that all political parties get an equal opportunity to get their message to the people in an election. Otherwise a privately owned corporation could decide who runs a country…. This is obviously dangerous!

From 2012 these social media giants began tweaking how their sites filtered and displayed results or content. Subtly at first until we reached the 2016 election and then they went into overdrive and since then we have seen an unfathomable amount of censorship.

  • Google began deindexing sites so they no longer featured
  • Youtube began deleting videos and channels
  • Facebook began stopping content it chose to not appear in peoples news feeds.

Google also began using its auto suggestion feature to influence opinion and its so subtle but genius. As you type in google it begins to suggest search terms while you are halfway through typing. This used to be based on relevancy and highest traffic keywords and we learnt to trust it because its helpful and accurate.

During the 2016 election they began to manipulate suggestion results to favour one party over another. They crossed the line by now influencing an entire countries right to vote in a fair and balanced democratic election!

Let’s use a real world example… you search “Donald Trump” and halfway through typing Donald the autosuggestion said

  • Donald Trump
  • Donald Trump Racist
  • Donald Trump hates woman

Then you search “Hilary Clinton” and halfway through typing Hilary it suggest

  • Hilary Clinton
  • Hilary Clinton Humanitarian
  • Hilary Clinton Woman’s Advocate

Do you think that might influence your view of each person?

Of course it does because we trust google to be impartial and only show that which millions of people are searching. Subtle but so powerful and this is how we all have been victim to mind manipulation.

Still Think You Have Not Been Manipulated?

At the beginning of this article if I said "5g is going to kill 100 million people"

You might have said “shut up you nutter you’re a blood brainwashed moron…. Your one of them conspiracy theorists who believes anything he sees on Youtube”

I would have then despaired and looked at you and said “so 10,000 scientific papers are wrong… wake up you are a brainwashed sheep….. start to think for yourself…. Research… break out the spell… the media is manipulating you”

Two polarised views where we each have total certainty in our "belief in our view point being correct".

You trust the system and have done zero research and have complete “faith” in what you are told.

You would argue tooth and nail you are a free thinker and you are not manipulated….. “how dare you say I’m brainwashed”

Can you see how this conversation rages on all over the world?

Let’s look at search results manipulation

If you google the term “how many scientists approach world health organisation about 5g fears” Click Here To See The Google Results

It is a recorded fact that 215 scientists from 41 nations spoke to the WHO and the UN yet google returns a search with debunking hit pieces titled

  • Don’t fall prey to scaremongering over 5G (by some science blog no 1 in search)
  • How baseless fears over 5G rollout created a health scare
  • Your 5G Phone Won't Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think (sickeningly spinning this serious topic for political gain)

This is how you're being manipulated because the search term is very specific about the number of scientists. Google always is amazingly accurate with questions like that and will just return a number but in this instance the entire first page and the next 4 or 5 pages do not even show that scientist even approached the UN and WHO with concerns.

Scroll the results for yourself
  • Go into the articles and see if you can find a fair and balanced article from these trusted news institutions and government bodies that acknowledge there are 10,000 studies from scientists and universities all over the world.
  • Try to find an article that tells you entire countries have reviewed the data and stopped 5G from being rolled out based on genuine concerns about the lack of evidence to convince them it is safe!


This is how you control the masses……

  • Everyone trusts google and if you cannot find a single real and legitimate source saying hundreds of scientists from 41 countries had this meeting with the UN and World Health Organisation it is ERASED from record.
  • If you do not see credible media companies having a healthy and balanced debate about it you “assume” it cannot be worth discussing.
  • If you see media outlets dismiss it as conspiracy and quote some 4 letter agency that sounds important along with some Professor dismissing it as “rubbish and conspiracy” then you assume it must be.
  • You make the assumption that these are regulated professional reporters and scientists who cannot lie…… then think why would they lie if this technology was going to harm them and their loved ones?

Do you see how easy this becomes to INFLUENCE OPINION?

Now take the link below and go to non censored search engine like duck duck go and you will find lots of links on page one telling the truth and answering the search term. Click here to see the uncensored Duck Duck results

The first 4 results are from sites like Forbes and the BBC which say things like 5G is (ALMOST) safe and that is about as honest as the mainstream will ever get. So it is already better than Google which is page after page of debunking.

Search results 5 - 8 however is where we get to the truth….

  • Result 5 - Health Scares Slow the Rollout of 5G Cell Towers in Europe Immediately an honest report that ENTIRE COUNTRIES in Europe are stopping the roll out of 5G until it is PROVEN to be safe.
  • Result 6 - Environmental Health Trust This is the worlds best resource for all the honest scientific studies on the dangers of 5G and it says in the description 180 doctors from 35 countries want 5G stopped and safety tested.
  • Result 7 - Radiation Dangers Get The Facts This describes 182 page document compiled by hundreds of scientists asking the world health organisation to stop 5G
  • Result 8 - DAVID ICKE THE CORONAVIRUS AND 5G COVERUP! I will get into this deeper as millions of people are up in arms over what David Icke has revealed by talking to honest scientists and reviewing the data.

This perfectly highlights how the mass manipulation of your opinion and views is done…. Its all in black and white how Google is manipulating you and withholding from you the very damning information you need to know…… ONCE YOU SEE IT YOU CANNOT UNSEE WHAT THESE TECH GIANTS ARE DOING TO YOU!

Update Since This Article Was Originally Posted

After this article went viral I discovered that a Hollywood player together with the amazing investigative journalist Liz Crokin released a movie discussing and proving how the TV / movie / music and news industries are all complicit in manipulating us all..... it is very powerful stuff and you can watch the movie below.

This amazing movie has been viewed over 1 million times in the first 24 hours of release.

I also want to cover a very important topic and possibly the most important manipulation of social media is the use of fake bot accounts. For those of you who are not very technical a bot is simply a software that will log on to social media sites like twitter / facebook and youtube and create fake accounts and then use the fake account to like comment and share whatever you tell it to do.

A study in 2015 from Washington university covered how they found that more than 40 countries had deployed "propaganda bots" to spread disinformation to the public.

I want to show you how each and everyone of you can go and buy 5000 Facebook followers for just $67 dollars! https://socialboss.org/buy-facebook-followers/

So can you imagine how the governments have deployed millions of fake accounts to like and comment on the content they THEY WANT YOU TO THINK IS GREAT and to hammer the content THEY WANT YOU TO THINK IS SHIT and everyone hates!

This is happening and we are all more likely to take something seriously or believe it is real if it thousands of others agree. THIS IS THE MASS MANIPULATION THAT IS BEING DONE ON EVERYONE



I was one of the people who actually tuned in live to watch as the grassroots activists campaigning against 5g finally got their day in parliament. They quoted unarguable facts with good science and they were met with a government minister who simply said

“we have a body safety testing and we are told its fine”……

  • Literally no proof of these studies
  • No science
  • No assurance
  • Just thanks for coming, we heard you now, piss off we are doing it anyway.

It was shocking because the mp’s asking for proven scientific safety studies to safe guard their constituents got nothing….. the 5G machine rolled out regardless.

I was going to put the entire parliament debate video in this post but as always happens on Youtube, things disappear from the search or you have to scroll 200 results down to find things.

So I will just show you 2 short videos of 5G being debated in American Senate and you will see a Dr quote the dangers and a telecoms representative Brad Gillen who is Vice President of CTIA which represents the ENTIRE telecoms industry in America, clearly says in his own words “THERE ARE NO INDUSTRY BACKED SAFETY STUDIES ON 5G”….. not what the BBC are telling you or the government!

Are You Starting To See Why We Despair At Peoples Blind Faith and Ignorance?

This is why all of us in the alternative media are so dismayed with how people blindly like sheep defend the system that is lying to you.

People actually believe proven liars in the form of media, corporations, politicians and institutions that all have some political or financial agenda instead of the honest and courageous people who risk it all to try to help you!!

The irony of this is insane, this is why I delete people who quote fact checking sites or mainstream articles at me because they are ignorant, lacking real facts and have fallen for the manipulation.

It’s nothing personal and I just cannot be bothered to debate it with them. 10 years down the line having researched in depth both sides of the debate, which the copy and paste 1 minute googler’s have not.

I have listened with my head in my hand as supposedly intelligent friends have quoted stupid shit to me like “5g has already been safety tested” yet the fact is when cross examined by congress on national TV a telecoms expert representing the entire industry openly said “there are no safety tests that have been conducted for 5G” ….. THIS IS A FACT ON PUBLIC RECORD

I have despaired at friends quoting that non ionised radiation is safe, yet they have never once looked at the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. To make it even worse these friends know my company makes EMF mitigating shields and that we have

  • Dark field Microscopy showing the blood cells sticking together are a 15 minute phone call
  • Saliva tests done by professors showing structural change after a call is made
  • Unarguable oxidative stress tests conducted
  • Heart rate variability tests showing astonishing decreases when a phone call is made
  • We have shown video evidence that an FDA approved medical device can scan your hand and tell you what mobile networks radiation is stored IN YOUR BODY repeatably over and over again.

We are actively developing the solutions and they still with confidence will quote me what 1 minute of google told them. Dismissing the years of work and investment made having Universities conduct our studies!

Talk about losing faith in people…… ignorance is so dangerous.

Logic alone would say I have known this guy for years, he is smart and a good person with the right intention…… Why would they still instantly just believe google and explore no further?

I feel confident to say that no one close to me who has known me for years could not say I am a good person with good intentions who is trying to do good in the world….. so why jump to an instant conclusion that I am deluded and wrong?

  • Is it classic brainwashing?…… I think this article more than proves this is the case
  • Is it fear that I am right?
  • Is it laziness?
  • Is it optimism and seeing me as a merchant of doom?

So wrapping this up….

In my next article I am going to outline some pretty disturbing decisions that have been made based on very suspect evidence that have lead to this global shutdown. The impact of this shutdown is something the world will never recover from and I implore you to read it because it is going to be well researched, detailed and give you all the latest information for you to make your own opinion.

My next article will show you step by step how I very simply began digging into the articles mainstream published with the simplest of google research and it uncovered so many shocking things……

You literally cannot read it and ask “Why is the mainstream journalists not doing the most basic research like I did? What is their agenda?”

DO NOT just believe me, review the evidence and come to your own conclusions and if it makes you question things and share with others then great.

If I am correct that things are not what they seem, we need a very very rapid awakening of people to fix it and the only way this happens is with knowledge being shared.

I think all of my articles in the past few weeks have laid out very complex and difficult topics and given people who want to research a roadmap to the best info that I have found in the past 10 years. It is time saving and written without an agenda other than to hopefully make people ask the questions that should have been asked a long time ago.

Final Thoughts

Go and read the International 5G Appeal by clicking here it has a quarter of a million signatures from 210 countries. It is a brilliant document that gives you all the links you need to follow to see that

I repeat THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION said mobile radiation was cancer causing in 2011 and the media are telling you 5G which is billions of times more aggressive than 2G was in 2011 is SAFE!

  • We all know people living near mobile masts saw an increase in cancer and leukaemia.
  • We all know people campaign regularly and won to prevent new mobile masts being erected near their houses or schools.
  • So are you so certain that 5G is safe and that we are all crackpots that you are willing to have a mast 10 feet from the bed you or your children sleep in?
  • Are you so certain that it is safe without studying the science for yourself that you are willing to have your local council install a new lamp post outside your bedroom beaming microwave radiation that is billions of times more aggressive than your own brains frequencies and flooding your body with 6000 times more electricity than your body runs on?
  • Are you that certain that vital information is not being suppressed?

Does this not require a safety study that is 100% certain that there are no effects to ANYONES health?

Also consider this……

  • You or your loved ones may not even want nor own a 5G phone. Yet a network that you do not even subscribe to might just put a mast by your house / school or business and will be radiating you without permission nor legal contract (as you are not a subscriber)…. Is this fair and is this a breach of your human rights?
  • A smoker can no longer smoke in public (and rightly so) because it impacts non smokers so why should a non 5G customer be impacted by radiation in close proximity to them for something they do not and will never contract to?
  • Why should a 6 year old child be radiated with 5G signal while sleeping at home or school that is proven to cause infertility and a host of other serious issues?
  • Do you find it highly suspicious that 5G is being rolled out at an astonishing rate during this shutdown and that all schools are having it installed while there are no parents to create a complaint?

We have just shut the world down for a virus which is producing less deaths than normal seasonal flu so why should we ignore 10,000 studies around a technology that will harm everyone!

We Must Wake Up & Unite

As I wrote this article a very big thing has happened and I think it concludes this article perfectly. There is a brilliant channel on Youtube called London Real and for the last 9 years it has done the most amazing unbiased interviews with thought leaders and inspirational people.

The channel has 1.5 million subscribers that have watched over 207 million videos with billions of hours consumed. Brian Rose the owner of London Real has his entire business built around Youtube. So he has a lot to lose by falling out with Youtube because they choose to censor his content.

Please go to the post I made which has a playlist of Brian Rose doing short 2 minute videos showing

  • How he was nervous before an interview with David Icke
  • To it being shut down by Youtube
  • To him being astonishing how Youtube were acting
  • To him describing how this amazing interview before it was banned was the 2nd highest Youtube viewership in the world
  • To the BBC running hit pieces on him and claiming THEY had Youtube remove the video
  • To Brian beginning streaming the interview from his own site and it getting such astonishing numbers that it broke his site. 1 Million views in the first day!
  • Then you will see Brian openly discuss how he is so shocked by the censorship that he is willing to risk it all to get this information out there and MILLIONS of people are agreeing with him

If after reading this post you are not starting to see that there is something very very suspicious about how this 5G topic is being whitewashed and censored by the institutions that you trust, then I am certain that watching the Brian Rose playlist and the actual David Icke Interview you will.

The time is now to start too critically think, research, ask questions and share this information with others.

Go and watch the Brian Rose playlist and David Ickes AMAZING Bombshell 5G video by clicking the link below.





Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://www.thepause.com/consciousness/a-message-to-friends-lets-figure-it-out-together/

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