Introductory Post To The Awakenment

Hello Fellow Steemians! :)

My name's Kyle and I have a YouTube channel called The Awakenment (maybe this is how you found me?).

I'm a Business Owner, Crypto Investor, Nature lover & Truth Seeker.  I’m also a fervent believer in Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy ‘Be the change you seek in the world’. 

I used to wish life came with a manual. Maybe something like; ‘Welcome to Planet Earth – A Human Guide’.  Some people say it does (as long as you subscribe to their religion).  However, I've always looked outside the confines of religion for my truth and continue to carve my own path in life.

If you have a faith - then I'm cool with that too. As long as you're not a hater 'Each to their own' I say...

Whatever interpretations I seek to accept, they must comply with a robust sense of reason.  In the same breath, I am also completely aware of the limitations of reason when it comes to dealing with some aspects of the human condition.

The primary intention of my Steem posts (apart from seeing if it's actually possible to get paid to write on here ;) is to extract certain truths wherever they may reside and present them with as little connotation or bias as I possibly can. I have no fixed agenda or belief system, I am only concerned with getting to the truth or, failing that – to what works.

I understand the problem with truth is that it's sometimes subjective, especially when it's derived from our Thinking-Mind, which has its own unique opinions and perspectives on the world.  So with this in mind, please accept the fact that my truth has come from within me, so will forever be tainted with my own 'personal truth'.

It is my hope that a lot of my truths, even if different from yours, will still be analogous to your truth, or at least have a resonating affect with your truth.

I trust you’re an intelligent person, so I promise not to intentionally condescend to you in any way.

My YouTube Channel can be found by clicking here.

 My modus operandi for posting on Steem will be as follows:

  • To try and accept reality, not as I wish it to be, but as it really is.
  • I accept human limitations both in myself and others for perfection is not a characteristic of the human, but of the whole.
  • Many things are beyond my ability to know. Unperturbed, I will strive to know and understand all that I can to the fullest of my ability.
  • I acknowledge that my understanding of reality will always be imperfect and incomplete.
  • Even in this relatively safe, modern world, we have no guarantee of a tomorrow and for this reason it somehow makes it more precious and beautiful.
  • Everything is susceptible to change.

I decided to name my channel The Awakenment rather than The Enlightenment, not because the enlightenment name was already taken :)  but because to 'be enlightened' deems one to be free from questions and to have arrived at some pre-determined destination. I haven't and up to this point, I remain reasonably fluid in my thinking.

Awakenment is the process whereby one realizes an aspect of reality that was previously hidden. It involves the finding out of new information that leads to a change in the way one views and approaches things...

I also meditate . Through Meditation, I started a process of discovery, a process that has begun to change my entire being.

OK, that's enough for now. I'll end with;

Some of the things I love:

(Friends and Family is a given)
Being smiled at  
Friendly inquisitive animals
Laughing until my stomach hurts
Delicious food & wine
Crisp, clear early mornings
My morning cup of coffee
Love itself

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