
In the years right after 9/11, I was obsessed with reading everything and watching everything I could find about 9/11. That moment in history changed so many of us. For some, their blind patriotism and nationalism was raised to new heights, while for me, it made me question everything I thought I knew, everything I saw and heard, and made my thirst for the truth insatiable. Call me a truther, call me a conspiracy theorist...it does not matter. Because what I hear when you say these things in an attempt to diminish me, is that I am unafraid to face the lies we have all been told, and I at least have the courage and curiosity to ask questions that will put me on a path that may not be the most comfortable, but at least it will be the most honest.

The Twin Towers were architectural and engineering marvels. They were designed to withstand the forces of nature...and they were specifically designed and built to withstand impact from the biggest commercial planes out at the time, which were SLIGHTLY smaller then the planes that crashed into the towers on 9/11/01. The evidence that undoubtedly proves that those planes DID NOT AND COULD NOT bring down the towers is overwhelming, but the simplest fact is one that is widely and brazenly ignored:

No plane hit WTC 7...and it pancaked to the ground in similar fashion as the Twin Towers.

My ethics, my consciousness, my morals, my scruples, whatever you want to call it, do not allow me to sit here and ignore this. How can we honor all of the lives that were destroyed that day, and because of that day, by ignoring the truth?


To this day I hear the stories of my friends from New York and they send chills through my spine. I hear my cousin tell her story about her time in Washington DC and what that day was like. Looking out of her window and seeing the Pentagon go up in flames.

I will never forget where I was. I will never forget the depth of my sadness. I will never forget the depth of the betrayal I felt and still feel.

I will never forget those people that died, but most of all I will never forget that it is up to me, and each individual to ask questions, and always search for the truth, no matter who or what gets in the way.

Never forget.

Image by Judy Helderman

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